
The superior gender is neither?

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I've noticed here on GWS that some people are bickering on which s*x is better. Personally I never thought I was better then anyone. I neither believe that 1 s*x is superior to the other.

In my opinion people that say they are better then someone because of gender are in no way superior. More like insecure and inferior. Only non- superior people believe they are better then someone else. There is no need for it.

There are things men are better at then women. There are things women are better at then men. Doesn't mean 1 s*x is better then the other. I am not at all Catholic or Christian but my friend has taken me to Church once and a while and what I hear God loves all man and women and feels we should all respect each other.

(I know there is going to be some guy here saying "God intended men to be superior to women." I asked a Priest that and he gave me a website: )

Now here are things Women are better at then men: (I got to be honest the first one I was shocked and couldn't believe. I think I still don't believe it.)


This one is about health issues. I was shocked at the results.

Please give me you opinions. I only did this so men are women can see and take in each others differences and learn to love them. If you going to be a stupid@$s and still say one gender is better then the other don't waste you time. (people you don't have to read the entire page of these articles it will take a while.)




  1. You are totally right.  In psychology study, we learn that when a person picks on another, its because of insecurities and weaknesses that they don't want to address.  So they transfer their own insecurities to someone who doesn't seem to have them.  

    Another thing, How can a superior being come from an inferior being?  That doesn't make sense.  If men really were superior, they wouldn't need women to have children with, and women wouldn't be the ones living longer either.

    We live in a low self-esteem society!

  2. You are correct in believing that the sort of people who need to believe their gender is "superior" generally come from the bottom scrapings of the barrel of humanity.

  3. Sessy i think that you are totally correct. and I must say thank you

  4. there's only one right answer and it is very simple. you are comparing apples and oranges. men are definitely better at being men and women are far superior at being women. we are different species.

  5. I agree, I wish you had seen this before you asked the question though ;-D

  6. no s*x is superior. men have some spl characteristics; women have some. but these are different. so how can we compare two incomparable quantities? man is special in some ways; woman in some ways. no superiority.

  7. In the big picture, I agree: neither is 'better'.

    You might as well say apples are better than oranges, or maples are better than pine trees.

    I did hear once that in the Jain religion, which believes in reincarnation, they believe a person must be born male before being possible to attain enlightenment.

    No disrespect to any Jain's here, but from first I heard that, I though it was likely backwards.

    I think most agree which gender is more associated with the

    characteristics of nurturing and compassion, and perhaps more likely to stop and notice a flower, and cliched as it may be, not use war to resolve differences.  

    Just my two cents...



  8. There is no superior gender; I think both genders are wonderful in its own way and that exactly makes them get attracted to each other.  Women, let´s enjoy our gender (in my opinion, it´s wonderful to be a woman!), and men, show your manhood.

    We both are art.

  9. I completely agree.

    I used to call myself a feminist, but feminists aren't trying to balance everything anymore - they're claiming women are superior. I simply want men and women to be equal, in law, in society and what have you. I don't want there to be issues associated with either gender. Even though I'm a woman, it bothers me to hear anti-men statements just as much as anti-women ones.

    Even if women do become superior to men, that won't do any good. Men will eventually get angry at being oppressed, just as women did, and we'll be back at square 1 - where we have a civil rights movement and then another shift in power.

    One thing I don't agree with per se is the articles you gave (except the religious one. Many people treat the Bible as a buffet, picking and choosing what they want and leaving the rest. I'm glad you foresaw the religious types coming and gave them something they couldn't refuse.)

    They were simply too subjective, either based on the opinions of people or measuring things as a whole cannot be measured. (Such as the criterion for compassion. How would one go about measuring that? Number of people helped? Amount of time spent talking to people in a friendly tone?)

    Plus, I think society should be focused on each individual, rather than with each gender. Sure, there are women that are quite compassionate. But, there are others who think no one is even worth to l**k the dirt off their shoes. Or, there are others who appear compassionate, but really are backstabbers. So, maybe women as a whole are compassionate, but that really doesn't really provide insight into either gender.

    Think of it this way, I did a quick Google search and found that as of 2006, 80% of America was made of whites. That may have changed since then, but for the sake of argument, let's go with it. Using that same logic, it would seem that America was nothing but white people, with just a few minorities thrown in here in there, not really making up a big deal of people.

    However, you have to consider that 20% of the whole population of America is actually quite a large number (about 60,000,000). So, simply learning about America using percentages and statistics wouldn't truly allow you to know just how diverse the population is. It wouldn't be until you go to a place like New York City, where basically every country is represented, that you truly understand how much it is a melting pot.

    That's how I feel about genders. Sure, a majority of women may be compassionate. But, the percentage that is very diverse and different from the majority. So, simply looking at percentages isn't going to educate you about either gender. You have to speak with many people of either gender, understanding their personalities, their differences, their strengths and weaknesses to truly understand the gender. Generalizations simply don't work.  

  10. There is no "better" s*x. That's just silly. We all have our talents in different areas.

  11. Very intelligent post.  People who argue about this stuff have way too much free time on their hands.

  12. Different doesn't mean one is better than the other.

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