
The surround on my subwoofers is completely torn all the way around. i was wondering could i use an...?

by  |  earlier

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i was wondering could i use an innertube from a bike and some type of adhesive and put it around it




  1. It would probably make it sound better, but it would be a bad solution that wouldn't work in the long run. Most materials have stress cycle failures. After that cone vibrated so many times the glue or intertube would fail. There is more force going through a sub cone than you might think, and the materials the companies use are special. Some of the companies that have higher end components offer kits that you can use to fix it, or will fix it themself if you send it in (for a fee). Depending on if you think the sub is worth it, I would just get a new sub. Also, next time remember not to turn your sub up too loud--it sounds like you blew your sub.

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