
The survivor series isn't good anymore?

by  |  earlier

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What ever happened to elimination matches? I mean they could at least have 6 matches then a heel vs face match at the end. I miss seeing that. Who thinks they need to bring it back?




  1. Yes those days with elimination matches not to long ago were really awesome to watch

    Like team Angle vs team Lesner

    I think there gonna have them in Survivor Series this year

  2. they wre starting to get too dangerous so I dont think they will be doing them anymore. Either that or they will do soething like that unexpectidly

  3. I agree Survivor Series really was something to watch back in the days 2001 WWF vs The Alliance was a huge elimination match and since then they have kinda sucked, I think that with the introduction of the " Elimination Chamber" back in 2003 that basically was it for the PPV I think they should really use Survivor Series now as battleground between the three brands with a team of five from each one with some kind of bragging rights on the line every year

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