
The symbol for the medical profession is the Asclepius Wand but what is the symbol for the nursing profession?

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Or does it cover health care in general? to me medical is just doctors.




  1. I think it's a mistake, but the one I see most often is the karykeion topped by a lamp. The latter makes sense and is associated with Florence Nightingale in some way I've never bothered to research. The former is either a symbol of commerce or perhaps because one of Hermes' jobs was to escort the dead to the Acheron, where Charon would, for a fee, ferry them across to the underworld. This is a little more cynical than I care to be.

    There seems to be some confusion dating back perhaps centuries between the staff of Asclepius and the caduceus, or perhaps it's just in the US that's a problem.

  2. The wand does cover the whole medical profession. But a recognised symbol for nurses in the UK is Florence Nightngale's lamp. You can see why if you think about what it was like for soldiers in the Crimean War. In pain, in filth, nobody caring about whether they lived or died. Then, semi conscious and in the depths of despair, a light appears, moving from bed to bed, and at every bed it stops, you can hear gentle conversation, comfort, medecine delivered, and rotting bandages changed. The light coming out of darkness is still a potent symbol; for nusing and nurses.

  3. Generally, some form of lamp, as connected with Florence Nightingale.

    The International Council of Nurses has a nice one - a person carrying a flame in one hand.

  4. The symbol for a nurse is a chubby woman sitting down to biscuits and tea.

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