
The tags on my car are over 7 months expired!?

by Guest10681  |  earlier

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My mom has the title and will not renew my plates. I have asked her to sign the car title over to me, but she keeps putting it off.

I have no other car to drive and I am working and about to start college! What can I do? I have luckily not gotten pulled over in 7 months, but my day is soon to come.




  1. Why on earth wont she renew the plates?

    Hey, if the car is in her name she will be in trouble as well if it gets caught with expired tags. I know its your mom but it would almost serve her right. Do this-park it in some store parking lot or in front of a random house, call the police and tell them that there is a car with expired tags that has been sitting there for a long time. They will come out and ticket it and maybe even tow it. YOUR MOM will be the one in trouble and will have to go to court to pay the ticket and have to pay to get the car back. Once again since the car is in her name she is liable for it, not you.

    I know its your mom, but sometimes even relatives need a wake-up call to reality.

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