
The teacher of my girl complained about my girl.?

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she put a snail in a boys shirt at recess time. i understand that my girl shouldn't have done it but i am feeling bad as the teacher complained to me at home time when the other child's mother was standing there and it made me really embarrassed. i am unhappy because at times my girl is also a victim but nobody has ever stood there and told me in the front of the culprits mother that my girl was punched in her belly or else. should i complain to the teacher about it. what should i do. shall i write a little note to her to tell her she did wrong. or is it me who is wrong? please help.




  1. My son's teacher is the same way and I had to make a conference with her and I explained to her that I agree that my son has done wrong, and he was punished for it. However in the future if she wants to talk to me about my child to do so in private.  That is very unprofessional and she shouldn't be doing that.  It is embarrassing enough to hear your child is doing bad things that you don't need her to rub it in.

  2. I know from first hand experience just how unfair the school system can be. Schools tend to favour the kids who excel in sports and set a good name for them. You didn't say just how extreme the victimising is. Is your daughter constantly being bullied and teased or is it just a one-off thing? As young kids are still developing mentally, they will often get confused about what they are feeling (such as anger or embarrassment) and lash out at another child with a prank or even violence and bullying. I would strongly suggest you report the behaviour of the other child, and of the teacher, because the more you let the school get away with this the more they will do it. Primary schools are almost never a fair place (deliberately or otherwise) and there's not much you can do to change it but if you don't make it clear that you not going to tolerate this then they are going to walk all over you.

  3. the teacher did nothing wrong - you need to just let it go.  Your child did wrong and now you know and the other parent knows that you have been told.

  4. kids are kids and you will soon learn that while the adults are disagreeing, the kids have made up and are standing back laughing .. don't over-react ..

  5. explain to your child   that what she did was wrong, and yes  you must  talk to her teacher  about  what the other kids are  doing  to her ,  but make sure  that  you don't sound  to much like a complaining  mom, in other words wen talking to a teacher bring  facts  and dates  and exactly  what  went down and always make sure  the other  child,s

    parent  is there , if that  doesn't work  talk  to the principal, you must  work  this out before your kid  starts  not wanting  to  go  to  school.

  6. lol thats just silly its not like what she did really hurt anyone. I think its silly that the techer came to you about it. I dont think talking to the teacher about it will accomplish anything unless its in the moment If she does that to you again then mention it but not after the fact its not as effective

  7. Put yourself in the teacher's place.  She was standing in the middle of an uncomfortable situation.  She probably chose to get the matter over with as quickly as possible.

    If your child is being victimized then you need to complain until you know similar action has been taking to alleviate the situation.  However, if your child was punched after doing something like putting a snail down someone's shirt, you'd be better off instructing her on appropriate behaviour...

  8. All I can say ist that the boy was a real wimp to cry to the teacher and/or his mommy about a stupid snail being put in his shirt!  Big deal!  Your daughter was just being silly and she didn't do anything wrong.  I would just let things be.  If your child is physically threatened again, then I would bring it up to the teacher.  However, right now, I'd just let things cool off.  Like I said, that boy must really have issues and his mom probably babies him and you don't want your daughter to look like everytime someone says or does something that she comes running to you and you make a big deal of it, kids make fun of kids like that.  They call them snitches or tattle-tales, don't you remember being young?   Don't worry, she'll be fine!  Interfering can make things often worse.  However, physical violence isn't tolerable!  She should tell you if someone physically hurts her or threatens her but just let that last one go this time.  Don't worry.  Like I said, she'll be fine!

  9. Go see the principal and state your case. If he or she does nothing then write to your local papers and follow it up with any of the schools oversight committees. There are loads of procedures that have to be followed in cases like this - public humiliation is not on that list. Sounds like the teacher needs a few lessons in diplomacy too.

    Consider pulling your child out and sending her to another school, but also discipline the little munchkin, teach her to treat other people the way she would like to be treated, teach her to report things that are wrong.

    Nothing worse than having your child come home with cuts and scrapes from the school bully. :-(

  10. Well, that's part of being a mother - sometimes you have to be ashamed of what your child did. It may not have been very diplomatic for the teacher to tell you in the presence of the boy's mother, but at least that gave you a chance to apologize to her right away, and to make your daughter apologize to the boy. Putting a snail in his shirt is a very yucky thing to do. If it had been my girl I would have given her a spanking at home.

  11. seriously i dont feel you need to be embarrass about it. It's practically normal for kids to have disputes and disagreement. If you are feeling ashame on how you are being treated by the teacher then i suggest you request her to talk somewhere else, in a quieter corner perhaps then find opportunity to exchange information.

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