
The telephone ?

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can someone please help me ?

does anyone know what impact the telephone had on society in the 20th century?

if not .. what impact does it have on society today?





  1. truckers would like to believe that with out them nothing would be delivered to the stores for you to purchace, while this is true, with out the telephone the orders for that merchandise on those trucks would not be placed in a timely fashion, and all commerce would depend on courier messengers, and the postal service, delaying shipments of goods..

    the telecommunications industry is the backbone of the economy, it allows businesses to quickly and efficiently place orders for merchandise, for stock traders to make immediate trades with out having to be at wall street....

  2. The ability to transmit questions and receive answers without going thru a hassle of doing the research yourself.

  3. the telephone or the cellphone???

  4. umm.... What are you talking about?!?

  5. Huge.  Telegraph and messenger services, along with multiple deliveries of mail per day, became obsolete.  The result was a huge increase in business efficiency.

  6. If you can use a phone, im pretty sure you can answer to that question yourself.

    and if you're lucky, you might not even need to do any research.

  7. Type the word "Telephone" into Wikipedia and see who invented it and what that enabled people to do.

    Just to answer your question with a simple question myself, what would you do if you DIDN'T have a telephone?

    If you can answer that you have your answer.

  8. Is this a school project...probably is a timeline...

    Here is a time line.


    1831 Michael Faraday proved that vibrations of metal could be converted to electrical impulses

    1861 Johann Philip Reis built a apparatus that changed sound to electricity and back again to sound

    1871 Antonio Meucci filed his patent caveat (notice of intention to take out a patent)

    1874 A. G. Bell while working on a multiple telegraph, developed the basic ideas for the telephon

    1875 Bell files first patent for improved telegraphy

    1876 Bell and Watson transmit the first complete sentence

    1876 Bell files patent application on February 14,. patent issues March 7

    1876 Elisha Gray filed his patent caveat (notice of intention to take out a patent) on February 14,

    1877 formed Bell Telephone Company to operate local telephone exchange operation

    1877 first city exchange installed in Hartford, Connecticut

    1879 irst exchange outside the United States was built in London, England

    1880 invented the photophone, which transmits speech by light rays

    1882 acquired a controlling interest in the Western Electric Company, Elisha Gray's company

    1883 irst exchange linking two major cities was established between New York and Boston

    1885 formed American Telephone and Telegraph Company to operate the long distance network.

    1888 coin operated pay telephone was patented by William Gray of Hartford, Connecticut

    1891 first automatic telephone exchange was patented by Almon Strowger of Kansas City

    1921 The Detroit Police Department, began experimentation with one-way vehicular mobile service.

    1928 Detroit Police commenced regular one-way radio communication with all its patrol cars.

    1933 Bayonne, NJ Police Department initiated regular two-way communications with its patrol cars

    1936 Alton Dickieson, H.I. Romnes and D. Mitchell begin design of AT&T's mobile phone system

    1940 Connecticut State Police began statewide two-way, on the frequency modulated (FM)

    1941 FM mobile radio became standard throughout the country following the success in Connecticut

    1946 A driver in St. Louis, Mo., placed a phone call,it was the first AT&T mobile telephone call.

    1948 wireless telephone service was available in almost 100 cities and highway corridors.

    1947 cellular telephone service conceived by D.H. Ring at Bell Labs, but the technology didn't exist

    1962 The first commercial touch-tone phones were a big hit in their preview at Seattle World's Fair.

    1970 commercial Picture phone service debuted in downtown Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

    1971 Richard Frenkiel and Joel Engel of AT&T applied computers and electronics to make it work.

    1973 Martin Cooper of Motorola made the first cellphone call to his rival Joe Engel of AT&T Bell Labs

    1978 AT&T conducted FCC-authorized field trials in Chicago and Newark, N.J.

    1979 the first cellular network was launched in Japan.

    1982 FCC granted commercial licenses to an AT&T subsidiary, Advanced Mobile Phone Service

    1983 AMPS was then divided among the local companies as part of the planning for divestiture

    1983 Illinois Bell opened the first commercial cellular system in October

    phone, telephone, bell, alexander graham bell, alex bell, bell telephone company, at&t, bell labs, western electric, Antonio Meucci, Philip Reis, Elisha Gray, invention, history, inventor of, history of, who invented, invention of, fascinating facts.
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