
The term white trash..?

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When did people start to use it?? and what does it really mean?




  1. White Trash means a poor and uneducated white from the Deep South of the United States in particular.they tend to be very racist to others.

  2. The term white trash originated in the Baltimore and Washington, DC area during the 1820s post-revolutionary war reconstruction boom. During that period, many poor people migrated to the area, and white and black semi-skilled workers were competing for the same jobs, resources and marriage partners. The term white trash first came into common use in the 1830s as a pejorative used by upper-class United States southerners of all races against poor whites.

    In 1854 Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote the chapter "Poor White Trash" in her book A Key to Uncle Tom's Cabin. Stowe tells the reader that slavery not only produces "degraded, miserable slaves", but also poor whites who are even more degraded and miserable. The plantation system forced those whites to struggle for subsistence. Beyond economic factors, Stowe traces this class to the shortage of schools and churches in their community, and says that both blacks and whites in the area look down on these "poor white trash".Sociologist Max Weber described white trash as "[those] not owning slaves".

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