
The theory of everything – String theory & the afterlife, ghosts & other strange phenomenon?

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In very simplistic terms if string theory is correct there are up to 11 dimensions. Gravity is so weak compared to the other three forces we know about because most of its energy goes into other dimensions we cannot experience. Therefore could there be other forces we are not aware of that go wholly into other dimensions? It is said our 3D experience maybe like being fish in a bowl. Could whole other experiences of the Universe be going on all around us in these other dimensions? When we die in our 3 dimensions does all our energy (given the above) necessarily die in the rest? Could strange phenomenon such as ghosts be explained as certain pockets of space & time where for some reason we can experience, see or feel other dimensions whether this be human, past lives, or unrelated beings or forces?




  1. very good question, i don't know the answer, but this is the best question i read on here yet.

  2. hey i was looking for a question like this. wow here we are lol

    you have to check this out, as far as i know it answers all the questions you have listed and lots more.

    or you can go to youtube and search videos or channels:


  3. If you look into research on supergravity, they certainly do count 11 dimensions - two of which being time.

    If it were true (as I think it may be), then we will forever live in this time - and could jump into any part of it at will.

    If we can think then, that time is very closely related to gravity - and we are seeing things from another time - then it may be the case that ghosts are a byproduct of gravitational disturbance - which we do not usually measure !!!

    I have experienced a phenomenon of "thick air" - a feeling of altered surroundings - moving through air as if it were a soup - Also mists forming - could all point towards a rise in air pressure/density - caused by increased gravity.

    This may also explain disappearances over Bermuda - if planes simply cease to stay airbourne! - normal instruments would not show any changes - except barometric pressures as a side effect.

    This fluctuation may be as natural as varying magnetic field strength, or backround radiation - and may come and go randomly - or be more likely in one spot.

  4. Super String Theory has had many of it's speculative predictions confirmed with experimental evidence and is a solid theory.

    However, your speculation is currently a little premature while 11 dimensions are required for the theory to be true we are not talking about dimensions equal to our current 3 dimensions.

    I suggest the book below in order to help you understand some of super string theory.


  5. String Theory is speculative and theoretical (rather than practical), so speculate away!

  6. String theory is not widely accepted yet, so any assumptions made on the basis of it cannot be supported with surety. It may well be true and we should be open to new ideas. The idea of many dimensions can give answers for many unknown mysteries like stated above.

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