
The theory of evolution has produced Hitler, Communism, fascism and racism ? Religion is innocent?

by Guest63714  |  earlier

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The theory of evolution constitutes the so-called scientific basis of various ideologies such as communism, fascism, and racism that are derived from materialist philosophy. This ideological framework is what lies behind its persistent promulgation over the last 130 years

Hitler based his ideas on the superiority of the Aryan race on the theory of evolution. When writing his book, Mein Kampf (My Struggle), he was even inspired by the Darwinist concept of struggle for life. In the posters used in the war years for n**i propaganda, the n***s used to designate the human races other than the Aryan race as "De Beestmensch" (The Beast men). It was "Darwinism" that provided the "scientific" grounds for defining human beings as "the beast men".

Karl Marx, the founder of communism, was an atheist who was extremely antagonistic towards religion. Because the theory of evolution deniedthe existence of God, Marx ardently defended this theory. He had such a big fondness for Darwin that he even dedicated his book, Das Kapital, to Darwin and included a handwritten statement "To Darwin, from a true admirer of him, Karl Marx" in the German edition of the book. Marx thought that the theory of evolution was the materialists’ biggest weapon in their war against religion.

The theory of evolution and racism are closely related. The ideology of evolution considers man only as a "species". According to evolution, the inferiority of some races in comparison to other races is very natural. In 1904, an African native named "Ota Benga" was identified as "a primitive species affirming the theory of evolution" and was exhibited in a cage along with apes. In the same manner, the founders of America, who regarded Indians as an "inferior race closer to animals", did not refrain from "hunting" them like animals.

How can you say all the wars and hate is the fault of God or religion?




  1. I wish I could give a thumbs down to this question, or even a negative star would work.

  2. It's not. It's the fault of selfish, ignorant, and racist PEOPLE. Neither God, nor Darwin, -had anything to do with it. Afterall, it's sooo much easier to blame someone ELSE for "Leading us astray..."- than it is for taking responsibility for our OWN actions.

  3. Y'all lost me. But that's OK. Im cool.

  4. Why would you think these problems are because of evolution or religion?  Humans cause their problems and they will use anything they can to justify and to control people to do what they want.  Some people want power and to control people (leaders, good and bad).  Some (most) people have the need to be controlled (they follow) and the leaders will find whatever they need to get their followers and use them however they like.

    In all cases anything that could be used to get a group of people to do something they have been used for good and evil, so it isn't as much of what idea is being used, but simply the fact that people believe in it enough so that they can be controlled with it.  If you want to control someone that strongly believes in religion you don't use evolution.  And opposite is true.

    P.S. Is evolution a religion?  Is science a religion?  I have certainly seen both used as such.

    And to answer your last question, no wars are the fault of man and nothing else.

  5. You are the perfect product of religion - a moron

  6. So would you say by definition that evolution is in itself kind of a religion?  The religion of the belief in the power of people?  Just one more fight.  

    I don't think anyone who is truly faithful to God is a fighter.  God is peace.  I think it is those who are superficial spiritually who are fighters.

  7. Hahaha, holy mother of... Evolution and science are surely the cause of many wars. But religion has also played a role in a lot of wars. Not all wars, but many. To put the blame of all wars on Evolution is absurd, as is putting the blame of all wars on religion. Bottom line is: people fight. Period. Disagreements arise based on politics, religious ideologies, economics, etc. Honestly, you've bitten off more than you can chew with this argument and it makes you look a bit foolish.

  8. Let's just say that has been the long twilight struggle of western society.

    We have grappled with religion in one form or another LONG before Darwin. One need look no further than the nearest history book to understand that , but without the history lesson, Darwin is just one of a LONG list of excuses. It's just the most "cool" reason people go to war these days.

    By no means is it any more at fault than any other "cause" , and so far it has never been the explicit "cause" of a war, but has been the cause of exterminations by various states.

    While you're correct that Chancellor Hitler did in fact make use of racial arguments and use aspects of Social Darwinism , that was not the flag he flew under, He was elected on a platform of good Christian / German family values, and "acted" to protect the German people from the threat of terrorism - sound like anyone we know?

    Let's review

    In the -400-100's there was persecution of Jewry and all manner of outlying Pagan sects in the Roman sphere of influence.

    from about 200ad-400ad there was explicit persecution of Jewry and Christiandom (still considered a sect of Judaism).

    From 400-500, the great schisms and upheavals in the roman world meant that the Western Roman Empire continued to fight paganism until the collapse of focused central government control from Rome.

    From about 600-900, there were small internicene wars throughtout Europe and parts of the middle east. Islam started it's inexhorable march towards Morocco and the first clashes of Christiandom and Islam are recorded.

    from about 1100-1400 - Religious wars escalated in scope, scale and fatalities, such that we started to have reorganized warfare in the context of both Christian on Christian warfare (The Great Schism, The Reformation,Counter-reformation etc), as well as The Crusades proper with Christian on Islamic action.

    About 1500 or so with the discovery of the New World a WHOLE new area of oppression and genocide occured in the new world , where central state governments/religions and civilizations themselves were decimated or just outright destroyed by Christian Conquestadores.

    1314 - Machiavelli publishes "The Prince" espousing the right of the leadership to rule over the "masses" and leaving us with both the concepts of "Might makes Right" and the "Ends Justify the Means" - This has been most recently resussitated  in the Neoconservative movemetn of the United States.

    Also in the 1500's was the first set of SECULAR wars, where Catholics found themselves Aligned with Protestants against other Protestants or Catholics. Thus was born the concepts which would lead to humanism also the idea was reborn that it was just cool to kill people in the name of the state or leader.

    Throughout the 1500's to the 1800's there was a great set of Great Power wars which culminated in the near bankruptcy of various European state-arrangements (Holy Roman Empire, Spanish-Hapsburg Empire, French Empire etc).

    In the 1800's you have the explosion of innovation that is the industrial revolution and the scientific revolution occuring at the same time. Industrialization allows for mechanization which in turn makes all of life - including killing people much more efficient.

    The US develops replacable parts and thereby makes weaponry both cheap,affordable and available to the masses. The US Civil war introduces many innovations in war, notably the detention/extermination camps at Andersonville etc., the "relocation" of ethnic undesirables (The Trail of Tears et al) in the last of the Indian Wars. Industrialized & mechanized rapid-fire weaponry, heavy armor and high explosives are developed and used extensively.

    Industrial "waste" in the form of coke is determined to be an Excellent fertilizer for crops, the human population moves from a historically linear growth rate to an exponential growth curve, which has never stopped. Notable population increases in the US, Germany, Russia, France, England and China and Japan, these states become the "Great Powers" in terms of economic and military power.

    Karl Marx introduces "Das Capital" in 1850's , Darwin produces "The Orgin of Species" in 1859, this is later proven factual by Gregor Mendel by the 1869. The US Evangelist movement is formed at Princeton University, NJ in direct response to Comminism and Darwin's theories "threating to dethrone God".

    Colonilism continues to exterminate local populations and religous practices "converting" heathens left and right. New mechanized and chemical weapons used to exterminate local populations easily and with little note. (Boer Wars, Australian Aboriginals, Chinese, Indian, Pashtun, Arabic and Ottoman peoples are variously exterminated as fits the needs of the state/religious leaders.)

    1860's-1910's Europe experiences a "Peace" through the work largely of Chancellor Otto v. Bismark, Americas similarly are "rebuilding" after the Civil war. Population reaches 1billion, first food shortages and race towards war.

    Labor movements begin to form and take some political power in the 1890's and later. "Communists" and "Socialists" become common tickets on political maps.

    1905-8 - Islamists in the Ottoman Caliphate/Empire move  Christian Armenians - later "Purged" and/or "relocated" to locations in Syria - most never arrive. 1.1mil. dead.

    World War 1, largely due to German / Austrian overmilitarization and near economic collapse, Kaizer Wilhelm declares general war, eventually including all major powers, the war is characterised by the wide use of chemical, biological and mechanical means to cause mass casualties orders of magnitude more serious than in previous conflicts. The reasoning for the war was highly pragmatic in so far as Germans did not want a Slavic "Bloc" or Empire, controlled by Russia extending all the way to the Adriatic (This was later called the "Iron Curtain"). Media was invented and used to promote the war efforts. 12mil dead.

    In the islamic world, decades of colonial hamstringing and economic pressures cause the collapse of the Ottoman Caliphate/Empire in 1919. Colonial powers divide the middle east into administrative zones. Religious or local powers are exterminated by mechanized and chemical means (Egypt, Syria, Iraq and Iran all experience their first exterminations by chemical weapons in the 1920's).

    The Scopes Monkey trial lays bare the Evangelical creationist movement's attempt to subvert governance through schools. Afterwards, Evangelism starts towards Evangelized Militancy - seen today.

    Influential proponents of Social Darwinism becomes prevalent in the United States culminating in the sterilization of "mental defectives" throughout the southeast United States. This is not acknowledged until the late 1950's.

    Largely in response to the humiliating terms of the Treaty of Versailles, Adolph Hitler - himself a victim of mustard gas attacks during WW1, becomes Chancellor of Germany, professing a return to family values and notably implementing the "Emergency acts" to protect the German people from the threat of Terrorism, after the Reichschacellory is "attacked" by cilivian paramilitaries sympathetic to the n**i movement.

    Jews are labeled outlanders against the Aryan ethos and are later exterminated (about 6mil dead), Espousing a social darwinist movement, mental defectives and other undesirables are similarly sent to detention/extermination camps throughtout Germany and then later Greater Germany. Hitler professes to be a staunch anti-communist and in 1937 signs a "peace" accord with Comrade General Stalin. Broken 3 years later, culminating in the defeat of Germany in the 1945.

    1945 - Japan tries to surrender to Russian & allied forces,May

    1945 - Atomic weapons used on Japan, August

    1945 - US accepts Japanese surrender , October

    Al-Quds and various other groups form in the middle east in direct response to colonialsm and religious oppression by colonial overlords. General unrest from colonialism increases in strength culminating in the "decolonialization" of various countries - starting with India and China in the 1940's and ending in the 1960's with most of Africa and Southeast Asia and America.

    Josef Stalin steps up campaigns and pograms , estimated 30-35 million Russian Communist and greater slavic citizens are exterminated in unknown locations, worker camps are known as Gulags, extermination camps do not have a colloquial term.

    Chinese Communist post-liberation exterminations begin "the Great Leap Forward" followed decades later by the "Cultural Revolutions" of the 1960's and early 1970's, approximately 50mil. Chinese killed.

    Cuban Missile Crisis - Potential Nuclear conflict averted between US and USSR , 1963.

    Continuous war since the declaration of independence from Israel and the development of nuclear weapons by Israel has resulted in the 1973 war, Israeli forces form detention/exterminaton camps for Arab/Egyptian prisoners in various locations inside Greater Israel. USS Liberty while attacked monitoring this activity. US and Russia cooperate to de-escalate warfare culminating in the Camp David Accords, 6 years later.

    First Russian-Sino Crisis - 1978 - 120 Divisions of troops massed at Russian/Chinese border. Nuclear weapons conflict averted.

    Islamist Militants rise to power in Iran, exterminations of various ethnic groups begins and is completed by 1981 (CIA estimates) # of dead unknown.

    Second Russian-Sino Crisis - 1981 - 140 Divisions of troops deployed along Russian/Chinese border. Nuclear weapons conflict averted.

    1983 - Flight 007, over Sahkalin Island shot down , 500 dead, US moved to Defcon 1 briefly for first time since 1963.

    US corporatism continues to work towards militarization of the middle east , Lebanon, Yemen, etc become hotbeds of conflict.

    1989 - Cold war ends as USSR economic collapse ensues. The velvet revolution ushers in democratic movements in nearly all former Soviet satellite states.

    Al Quaeda formed in 1989 in the last days of the Afghani war.

  9. Maybe so, but evolution is true. You can't argue with scientists and professionals based on your beliefs. We'll talk when you've earned a PhD.

  10. Who says "all the wars and hate is the fault of God or religion"?  No one is blaming God or religion.  Even the most cursory survey of history illustrates that most wars occur for two reasons: territorial expansion or religious domination.  Clearly, people initiate war.

    And, actually, there is an even more recent example of someone in the public eye twisting the principles of evolution to support their racist beliefs: William Shockley, a brilliant scientist who discovered the transistor, then went on to use his renown to put forth his racist ideas, based upon his own interpretation of the theory of natural selection.  He really wasn't dealing with evolution, but that's another matter.

    Just because Hilter tried to co-opt evolution for his own purposes, does not invalidate the theory.  And BTW, Marx was reacting reasonably to the class system in the Europe of his time.   His ideas have been discredited within a century after his death, but he was well intentioned and internally consistant.

  11. I would say, in some cases, evolution and racism were the cause of some wars, but politics and religion also played a part in some wars... The Inquisitions and Crusades had to to do with religion.... the Archduke of Ferdinand was assassinated for political reasons, igniting WWI. Racism is the cause of some of the strife in Africa and, in earlier times in America, cause of slavery and lack of civil rights.

    So, I believe, there is more than one underlying reason for wars.

    Your point is well thought out and well taken.

  12. OK let's stop learning about evolution and science all together.  Would that make you happy?

  13. I would just take a glance at the Middle East.

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