
The theory of hollow earth?

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I need some reasons why The Hollow Earth Theory is pseudoscience (not real).

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  2. One reason is the issue of mass. I'm not talking about the size of any planet but it's density. Therefore, since mass and gravity are directly related, what would the gravitational field of the sun be if it was "hollow?" We might have to walk around in lead boots if this Hollow Earth Theory is indeed correct.  

  3. It's real and it's called h**l...

  4. you can come up with all kinds of reasons why it's pseudoscience, but all those reasons are imaginary because the earth is hollow.

  5. I've studied this idea for several years, not as a result of movies or others input but the passages in the Bible. So I believe I have the answer. First the north & south poles are evidence to support this idea. The earths crust, possibly 2000 miles thick at the equator & 1500 miles thick at the poles, The result of spinning causing centrifugal force would put the center 750 miles deep at the poles & 1000 miles deep at the equator causeing the magnetic poles as a result of the depth of the molten metal center. As an example of the earth not collapseing to the center of the sphere imagine the crust being formed from 2000 mile diameter spheres, each supporting itself and then in between each sphere being filled in to form a larger sphere.

  6. Who came up with this theory?

  7. How about:

    "Well you feel gravity right?

    At the gravity you feel stone or even metal is not strong enough to

    hold an empty spherical shape of the size of the earth."

  8. The gravitation of the earth is due to the mass of the earth. If the earth was hollow, you know... more than just a small empty cave somewhere, the total mass of the earth would have to be alot lower and so the gravity would have to be a lot lower as well.  

    If our planets mass was that much different, it would affect our orbit of the sun as well as the moons orbit around us.

    These masses and gravitational forces are correct if you assume a pretty dense core inside our planet.

    BTW, there is no 'THEORY' of hollow earth. To have a theory, you have to have a concept backed up by at least some observable facts. There are none to this Hollow Earth. Its simply a work of fiction. Nothing more.  

    Now, stop watching Frodo! Ha!

  9. wellllll

    tell me about where else does it come the magnetic field and I'll believe

    he he

    no way its hollw, it 'd crush!!

  10. The seismic echoes from earthquakes and atomic explosions travel through the earth and their speed cam be accurately measured. They do not travel around the outside of it or through any open spaces.

  11. "Hollow Earth" is not really a theory; it's a cultural myth.  It doesn't stand up to two minutes of reading of the standing body of knowledge.  The mass and density of the earth have been measured accurately for more than 300 years.

    The earth's gravitational attraction can be accounted for only if it is a solid mass of heavy molten metals with a rocky crust.

    It makes a great movie, but sadly there are no bikini girls or dinosaurs down there.

  12. Gravity. If the Earth was hollow it would not have the gravity we observe it has. To attain the gravity we see today while being hollow the surface of the Earth would have to be supernaturally dense.

    There is no known force that could keep the Earth from collapsing in on itself if it was hollow.

    The form with the least potential energy through gravitational attraction is a voluminous sphere... not a hollow sphere.

    I'm sure theres more.


    Jimlberto is right. The magnetic field comes from the convection of charged conductive material in the Earth's core. If the Earth had no core there would be no magnetic field.

  13. you have it backwards. what evidence is there for a hollow earth?

    a theory explains observed facts and makes experimentally testable predictions. please do not apply the term to such errant nonsense.

  14. One reason is in relation to Newton's Theory of Gravity and it  explains that if this planet was hollow then every living thing on the surface would nearly be weightless. There would be no gravitational pull and the living things on the surface would not be able to stand on the inner surface. Another reason is that the mass of the Earth proves that it is nowhere near hollow. If it where largely hollow, then the gravitational pull of the Earth would be much lower than it currently is.  

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