An experiment was done in my study of behavior, if you place a frog into a pot of boling water it will immediately jump out. Place the same frog into a pot of room temp water and gradually increase the temp. The frog will remain steadfast and will remain until the water boils and thus dying in total acceptance. Now applying the same theory to the typical American citizen makes me wonder: When will we decide to jump out of the pot? I consider myself an old fashoined American, one that stands up for what I believe in and excercises my right to free speech. But today most Americans are pacified by junk television and substance-less music. Here we are 40 years since the protests of Vietnam and we have become the ideal product of commercialism as mindless consumers. Personally I jumped out of the pot long after I realized it, and tried to help those who asked for vision. But most of you seem to remain content as the temp rises ever so slightly, when will you decide its enough?