
The time has come to inquire seriously what will happen when our forests are gone,?

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  1. I don't know if humans would be able to survive until our forests are gone.  As the forests go, oxygen levels will fall, making it harder to breathe, and carbon levels will rise, raising the temperature of the Earth.  It's anyone's guess which one of these will end humanity first.

  2. New trees are planted regularly for the next generation.

  3. We make new forests.

  4. forest r the contributers of the oxygen which v required, they also control the water cycle , without forests the environment of the planet is unable to support the human population.

  5. 1:  I disagree, this question shoul have been asked sooner, than later, the signs were there, there were not enough people to have a strong enough voice to get the ball rolling!

  6. Since our elected governments are of no use, we as concerned individuals have to do our bit.  A brilliantly simple idea I read somewhere was to encourage everyone to save seeds and pips of fruits that they consume such as mango, chickoo, whatever.  During the monsoons, go to any forested or semi forested area such as wildlife sanctuaries / national parks / any parks /building compounds etc. and plant them.  By the end of the rainy season, they should have established.  This way, you can contribute to regenerating the forests.

  7. The forests support the health of the planet, which in turn supports the population.  No forest-no population.  The big picture requires saving the vast rain forests; the narrower focus is for everyone to plant as many trees as their property can take.  If you live in an urban environment, get involved with the local parks and plant more trees than you think you need.  Plant different kinds of trees so a blight doesn't destroy a significant percentage at one time.  See for marketing materials.

  8. The oxygen levels on earth will drop even more than they have already, and the greenhouse effect will get worse. Trees absorb such gasses as carbon dioxide as a normal part of their living. Even scarier is the fact that the plankton in the oceans is dying off due to the warming of the oceans. This plankton is responsible for about 89% of the oxygen production on earth. When it's gone, so are we.

    What a lovey time to be alive on the earth, to watch it's last death throws. Aren't politicians and corporations just the greatest thing?

  9. If forest becomes first then human will follow the same root as second.Iam sorry I have no idea and cartons.

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