
The tip of my cat's ear is crusty?

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I have an orange and white 3 year old male cat. He is an indoor cat mostly but sometimes will go outside on the porch or in my front yard. His ears are orange and the tip of his left ear is starting to get crusty and look almost ragged like maybe fur has come off? He does not seem bothered by it - not crying or scratching at it but I was wondering if anyone knows what this could be? I will take him to the vet within the next day or so, I just wanted some opinions on it now.




  1. he may have an injury or an infection (or ear mites).  Please call your vet and make an appointment to take care of this before it turns into a bigger problem.  

    You really should leave your cat indoors all the time - he will live a longer, healthier life and not be taking chances on getting hit by a car, being attacked by another animal, being picked up by animal control, being tortured by kids/other adults or get diseases.  Cats do not need to be outdoors as long as there is fresh food, water and litter available.

  2. Try some ointment and maybe some antifungal if you jhave may have a fungus and needs to be treated for it. A little washing with some of the bottled brown lysol mixed with warter will also help with fungus. I can tell you that fungus is only kept at bay with lysol...not alcohol or anything else. Good luck.  Miss Mary  Animal lover, rescuer

  3. Chances are he picked up ringworm.  Your vet can make the proper diagnosis, but the treatment, if ringworm, is cheap and easy.  Ringworm is a fungus, and is easily picked up, even if your cat didn't go outside.

  4. Lot's of possibilities, one of my cat's gets a crusty ear when his brother licks and chews on it, the kitty drool makes it crusty (kind of like gel). Otherwise might be related to allergies, or he might have gotten into something. Its hard to guess without being able to see it in person. Hopefully the vet will be more helpful.

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