
The top excuse for not wearing your seat belt is?

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A. I am only going a short distance.

B. It is too tight.

C. I forgot




  1. Surely you can think of other unthinking reasons. If all you require for an answer then A. is probably used more often. BUT you could say the top reason is that you don't care about living anymore. That is what will happen if the seat belt isn't used.


  2. D. my truck is big and little cars would bounce off.

    E. I'm just lazy

  3. D. I am an idiot.

    Worse than not wearing YOUR seat belt though, is letting your kids in the back seat climb around without seat belts on!!!

  4. <<<<<<<<C>>>>>>>>>

  5. I always wear my is second nature to just put it on before I even start the car...same with my kids and husband. Although, my mother never wears hers and her excuse is that when she was a teenager she got into a horrible car wreck and NOT wearing her seatbelt saved her life... I don't think she realizes that that was a once in a lifetime deal and that seatbelts are proven to decrease fatalities in crashes.

  6. I would say A which is ironic because most people get into accidents within 5 miles of their house.

  7. I say A, Even though there is no excuses if you ask Me. Most accidents happen close to home

  8. id say i forgot, cuz itz true!!

  9. There is no excuse.

  10. I think C have used it myself and got away with a caution but be very polite to the officer

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