
The top three guns for under 200$?

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The top three guns for under 200$?




  1. hands down-HI POINT,carbine or hand gun & mossberg 12GA pump chambered in 3" also ruger 10/22. Don't listen to Hi-Point haters.i have the C9,45 & 9mm carbine,i have fired 3000+ rounds thru them, absolutly NO major problems or malfunctions.can't wait to get the 45acp carbine in may 2010. Yes H/P guns are not pretty, but they do have decent accuracy & LIFETIME NO QUESTIONS ASKED WARRANTY.As for mossberg & ruger, both are time proven work horses.(i have been a very avid hunter/shooter for 40+ yrs.)

  2. remmington tac-1 reliable gon 350 fps very good gun 50$

    ak47 cyma cm042

    ak4ycyma matrix

  3. You didnt specify as to what type of gun you want, so I will give you one from each basic catagory.

    For a rifle you cant go wrong with a Ruger 10/22. They're excellent little rifles, with tons of after market parts available. You might need to do a little looking to find a new one for under $200.00 out the door but it can be done.

    As far as handguns go you have two choices. Either a used military surplus Makarov in 9mm or a used Rossi revolver in 38 Spl. The Makarovs have are guaranteed to be found for under $200.00 but are nto going to be found everywhere (at least not in my neck of the woods). The Rossi might take a little looking to find one for under $200.00 but like the 10/22 they're common and it can be done. Neither gun is pretty but both are reliable.

    Now for the shotgun go Maverick 88. It is bottom of the line mossberg but thats ok because its a work horse. They can be had for $200.00 N.I.B. and cheaper used.

    There are other firearms available for under $200.00 but these are what came off the top of my head so I hope it helped.

  4. FFeg pa-63 chambered in the 9x18 makarov caliber are xelleny pistols for around 100-200
    also hi points are great pistols no matter what people say about them you can pickup a new in box 9mm for 120-160also checkout they have a fine selection of both modern and &R firearms

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