
The topic corporate social social responcibility is nothing but safty walls. can you accept ?

by Guest67113  |  earlier

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  1. We r living on this planet with other human beings . There might be no direct relation or touch or contact or tension with others but deeds of one directly or indirectly effects others. Like too much cutting of trees in ASSAM will bring more inflow of water in BANGLADESH. Effect of sandy storms in SAHARA desert have been felt in AMAZON basin also .

    When one thinks from the global point of view then it is clear that there is no harm in saying social responsibility is nothing but safety walls. If the spelling is  safety but if the spelling itself is safty then the meaning of the Q changes. Coul not get that particular word in my machine.So took the sp as safety. When the querry is related with commerce this will be the spelling.

    All the business activities r meant for the welfare of the human beings.They generate employment, develops the economy of the nation

    and so on. If an entity is run to misguide or effect adversely then from the moral point of view it losses its position of responsibility.Like mfg of alcohol, illegal arms, etc. It may generate employment,provide pleasure to a class but the mass suffers.From this point of view also the phrase safety walls is small If u go through anu book on BUSINESS ORGANISATION u will find a brief study on yr question.

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