I've got a 55 gallon tank setup that I am working on, and today while I was at the fish store (not a chain but a private fish only store) I was talking with the owner about options I have for fish for the tank. While I know that I will be having a school of 6-7 tiger barbs and one rainbow (6'' shark) eventually, I asked him what colorful or unique fish I could add in. We talked about gourami, and then he suggest jellybean/blood parrots. He said that they are very hardy and will do fine in the temp/PH of a community tank, and so long as I keep a large school of tiger barbs they will leave jellybeans alone. He suggested only one for the 55 gallon tank. He has one in the store that is 11'' long and 13 years old, and his personal pet, and he says that the shortened life expectancy for them because of the dye and genetic deformities is a myth. It is in a community 150 gallon tank. I had previously decided to stay away from them because of what I had read about dye/deformities. (cont below)