
The tub of a washer goes into its spin-dry cycle, starting from rest and reaching an angular speed of 5.0 rev?

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The tub of a washer goes into its spin-dry cycle, starting from rest and reaching an angular speed of 5.0 rev/s in 11.0 s. At this point the person doing the laundry opens the lid, and a safety switch turns off the washer. The tub slows to rest in 15.0 s. Through how many revolutions does the tub turn during this 26 s interval? Assume constant angular acceleration while it is starting and stopping.




  1. Assuming constant angular acceleration while it is starting and stopping.


    Velocity (vi) = 0 rev/s      

    Velocity (vf) = 5 rev/s

    Time (t) = 11s

    Δx = 1/2 ( vi + vf ) * Δt

    Δx = 1/2 ( 0 + 5 ) * 11

    Δx = 27.5 rev


    Velocity (vi) = 5 rev/s

    Velocity (vf) =  0 rev/s

    Time (t) = 15s

    Δx = 1/2 ( vi + vf ) * Δt

    Δx = 1/2 ( 0 + 5 ) * 11

    Δx = 37.5 rev

    Total revolutions in 26 seconds:

    27.5 + 37.5 = 65.0 rev

  2. Since the speeding up and slowing down is uniform, we can say:-

    Average angular speed during spin up  =  (0 + 5)/2  =  2.5 rev/s

    Average speed during slowdown  =  (5  +  0)/2   =   2.5rev/s

    In fact, during the whole action, the average speed is 2.5 rev/s

    It turned at an average of 2.5rev/s for 26 sec.

    No. of rotations  =   26 * 2.5   =   65 revs.

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