
The type of people in Israel?

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in Israel do you have a lot of 'bohemien' type of people ( a bit hippy-like/new age) or more of the I'll call it the 'Gucci'-type(quite the opposite type of clothing as the first), if you know what I mean(behind the type of clothing, there usually lies a certain philosophy/mindset)?

plse no answers like 'we have all sorts of people here' I already know that. Just what type of people do you see more in Israel in comparision with other countries?

Or in which districts




  1. The same as any other country,you have nice people and nasty  people. There are rich and poor,generous and selfish. The human race is the same no matter where you go.

  2. lovely

  3. Hi asherah,

    I will try to answer your question as specifically as I can.  The Bohemian types are in smaller towns, kibbutzim and Moshavim (farms.)  They enjoy nature and natural living/new age/yoga, etc..  However, they can also be found in big cities like Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and Haifa.  Many also live in Eilat.  There is a marketplace there that is filled with hippie-like clothing and jewelry.  If I were bohemian, Eilat would probably be where I would live.

    In cities like Tel Aviv, Ramat-Gan, Petah Tikvah, Ramat Aviv Gimmel, Herzlia and Ceasaria you will find most of your "Gucci-types", lol.  There is a circle in Tel Aviv called Keacar Ha Medina where you will find all the shops like Christian Lacroix, Louis Vuitton, Ralph Lauren, Hermes and so on.  In that circle you will find the "Gucci-types."

    Nonetheless, in every city, no matter how small, there is always lower, middle and upper class areas.  In the upper class, you will find Chanel glasses and Fendi bags.  There are designer items throughout the country - particularly sunglasses.

    I could be wrong, but I find a distinct difference in the way Sephardi women dress (more provocative) and the way Ashkenazi women dress (less provocative, more conservative or classy.)

    Finally, generally speaking, Israelis dress quite casually, sometimes even when it is inappropriate - like for a wedding or special event.  You will see many jeans, tank tops and tights.  On the other hand, women are into shoes, sunglasses and handbags. Some will dress to the nines just to go shopping.

    The European ladies tend to wear hats in the summer and also parasols.  Men are generally quite casual.  It is rare to see a man in a suite and tie, unless he is a businessman.

    Many women wear their hair wild and even messy.  Others have it blown out every week.  Lots of acrylic nails and pedicures.

    I hope this helped.


    Ms. Miche ; })

  4. you get people from all walks of life,same as any other westernized country.

    you also get ashkenazi Jewish people, who look European

    the Sephardi Jews are more middle eastern get religious Hasidim Jews as well.

    you get Muslims as well.

  5. ~~~~

    Human beings that want peace. -Bosco is a great illustration of the product of American university.  Self-defense and n**i-ism are opposite.

  6. I would say that they look a lot like neighboring palestinians - so middle eastern with a european twist

  7. i would say Tel-Aviv has the gucci type

    and you would find bohemien practically every where in Israel

  8. I am shocked to see how totally wrong people ideas are about Israel.

    That's why you don't understand a few things.

    You would be surprised to see the difference between what you imagine and what Israel really is!

    In my view, everything is great, if you dont like Israel so think, there are common problems around the world today.

    Also, you can't compare Israel today with the Israel you remember.

    People are very respectful, and they've been the winners in so many cases:

    They get into the best universities because they're very smart.

    They get the best jobs because they are smart.

    Israel expect their gov't not to be soft on criminals.

    When you think of such things, try to think of the racism in your country too. There's no perfect country!

    The point is, there's nothing mysterious about us!

    The Media are very good at creating really scary stuff about Israel people.

    Some of that garbage would be enough to scare people away!

    But in truth, Israel are far more open-minded than you have been led to believe.

    There are lots of Israeli today who are geniuses and scientists, and are all under age 25.

    You don't hear about their discoveries and inventions on TV.

    Students and sportsmen win gold and silver medals in different competitions in the world all the time, in robotics, biology, maths, physics, sports, anything!

    We're proud of our achievement because we believe ind thak God for all his help.

    Did you know that the countries having the highest number of scientists in the world are Jewish people?

    Israel is a pioneer in medicine and genetics, and Israel surgeons have found lots of new methods for treating spinal defects, and many diseases and the best brain and heart surgeons are Israel.

    Lots of Israeli win nobel prizes specially in the field of medicine. Israeli girls are famous for being terrific.

    You'll find what they're hiding from you!

    Some charactristics of Israeli would be: intelligent, ambitious, a bit idealistic, well-dressed, formal, well-educated, warm and friendly, hospitable, and not so religious, (the majority of the young generation, that is, which leaves us unfortunately vulnerable to pseudoIslamic lies).We are also proud, greedy, hard-working (for ourselves), not punctual, impatient, and lazy at doing our duty well.

    Israel is a modern country with breathtakingly beautiful nature and lots of historic places to visit.

    If you like you can visit to see pretty photos from the cities, nature and historic places in the internet.

    Some people think negative about Jewish and Israel and so on and on because they dont know much and about the real storys.

    See how the media are fooling people?

    Let's clarify some political issues as well:  It's easy to show a video or an image of our president or leader on the TV screen or on the internet and say he says this, he says that....

    For example does verbal defence of Palestinians cause them to have a better life? The thing is that they occasionally make some statements that the media would misuse it against Israel.

    For example they pick up some specific phrases of a long speech (without refering to the main points and reasons for that speech) and put so many bad comments on that. No sane person would take such nonsense at face value.

    First of all, Israeli don't hate anyone. If our government complains about some injustice going on in the world, it's not bad.

    Israel is a gov't. Jews are faithful people!

    It's so funny the way you imagine things and make yourselves believe in your own immaginations!

    Christians and Jews or otheres are both God-believers and respectful people.

    I wonder why the media like putting words in our mouth and raising hatred.

    Where you come from and what your religion is are not important to us at all. On the contrary, meeting different people would be very interesting for us!

    Lets wish the best for all the people of the world and think positive things for to be happy in life and do nice things for others for to have the people of the world know that there is God who help and want the world to be in peace.


  9. There the only people I know that are occupying a land that is not theirs and causing misery, death, and destruction in Palestine.

  10. The city of Tzfat has a bohemian feel to it.  It's an artist colony, and it's the center of the ancient Kabbalah movement.  It's also an beautiful town perched on a hilltop.

    Tel Aviv is a very cosmopolitan town with a lot of "Gucci"-types, but there are poor sections of town, too.  Sort of like an Israeli New York City, but smaller, lower, noisier, more argumentative.  Well maybe not like NYC.  :-)

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