
The uk police have stated that the uk stabbings have not reached the epidemic stage.?

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What do they class as the epidemic stage?




  1. the police are dumb @sses,

    there was 5 stabbings in London last Friday, 4 were fatal, the other victim is fighting for his life,

    and this is happening through out the country..

    instead of making stupid statements they would be better off trying to find the people who commit these crimes, and getting a bit of justice for the family's of the victims

  2. They are right,its not epedemic.Its only certain individuals who are doing it.Most of them are just stupid kids that think they are gangsters.They all need lined up against a wall and shot

  3. Epidemic = Prevalent among the community, at a special time. [ Oxford Dictionary.]

    If this was a disease they would be treating it.

    They should do the same with crime & criminals.

  4. How many more stabbings have to occur before they reach the numbers the Police seem to want. ? and how many constitute as epidemic.... perhaps there is not enough as yet, so what do we do... hang around until the Police have the number they want. Oh well that seems reasonable... to them I suppose so here we go... lets hope they reach the number they want, and maybe that will please them. Never heard such a stupid statement in all my life. We are now living in a Country that appears to have Laws which have to please the Police, and the rest of us can go to h**l and back until they get their numbers up. Its what I call a lawless Country , where it seems as though people can do just what they like.... that is apart from the people who drive a car, and then lo &behold there they are breathing down your necks. The Law sucks at the moment , and the Police do not seem to care.

  5. It's not that it has not reach an epidemic stage.

    It's shaking and waking us up  in controlling it before it goes out of control.

    Without being aware of the mess being created in own backyards with self lack of knowldege being expose in time.

    The misery was created from faulty education and communication system .

    With the young one being mass produced and rolled off from faulty production lines without being aware of it.

    How their web-size keep on growing by the day that may soon be out of control.

    If we don't stop further damage being done to our own little ones, own children, own generation, own tribe, own community and children of all tribes of different community with self lack of knowledge in own backyards.

    In self destructing themselves to self extinction in time.

    The blunders and slip-ups with human errors created back in the past without being aware of it with self lack of knowledge.

    In kicking them all on the butts.

    Luke 8.5-8,10-17

    What do you think?

  6. I wonder if the increase in stabbings is an unfortunate side-effect of the success of Operation Trident in reducing gun crime in the Capital. Instead of people shooting each other, they are now stabbing each other.

    Whether it is at an epidemic stage or not is irrelevant. The Police are there to treat each crime individually, not wait until the situation is unmanageable and then have a crackdown.

  7. Just one stabbing is one too many! It's time someone really took hold of law and order in our country. Eastern Europe opened its jails and let the dregs of humanity come here with their blessing after Bleary eyed Blair opened our borders! This is why we now have what they had there and they dont want it back either !

  8. Does that mean that we don't need to do anything yet?

    Oh I forgot, they will be made to visit the victim in hospital to scare them from testifying.

  9. Why do they need to class it as anything?!  Crime is crime and should be tackled whatever stage it's at.

    I know lol

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