
The ultimate CD question...

by  |  earlier

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Many websites have argued this dilemma and I have decided to bring it to yahoo for solving. Is borrowing CDs illegal (a game in this case)? I mean that no fees are involved, the game is only installed on one comp, and all material is handed over. Virtually every one I know is doing this, and many EULAs of games are not clear. So, is it illegal or not?




  1. Yes, borrowing CDs is illegal according to most EULAs.

    Look at it this way, anything you could use the word "sharing" for, is illegal. You cannot share music. You cannot share video games.

    The reason for this is, if you let a friend borrow a copy of your CD, your friend is using the CD makers property and they are not getting paid for it, which is why they consider it stealing.

  2. Basically, if you have something, be it a game, song, software program, and you didn't pay anything for it, while other people did, it's illegal.

    If someone buys it and gives it to you as a gift, and they don't use it, then it's ok.

    If someone paid for it, gave it all to you, and no longer has any trace of it on their computer, then it's ok.  

  3. Its illegal.. but, if you use it for home use only, and dont try to sell copies, you should be ok....

  4. technically it is illegal, but you're unlikely to get caught.

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