
The united nations? HELP!!!?

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i am more than interested in pursuing a career in teh united nations(UNHCR specifically). In fact, it is my life goal.

Now ive heard alot of things,

like in order to be a goodwill ambassador you have to be famous or well known. is this true?

is there any way around this?

and besides being an ambassador, what other careers are there in teh UN where you travel from country to country helping people or speaking to people?

I plan to get my masters in International Relations.

I know both Spanish and English and i plan on learning Hindu and a couple other languages.

I plan to spend 4-6 years working with the peace corps.

i am active within my community.

would i qualify? or are there any tips as to how i can better qualify for such a position?

Please do not tell me to look at the website or the job website, these are of no help to me. i am certain that this is my calling in life and will not think otherwise.


thank you.




  1. Get a real job, the United Nations is one of the most money corrupt organizations on the planet. It's a joke, if you want to help  people in other countries. Stick with the peace corps. there you will get the chance to really help someone.

  2. Your best bet is to pay a visit to the U.N. building and to talk to as many people as you can to find out what qualifications are needed to get a job there. Just make sure that you are well dressed and business like when you stop in.

  3. Angelina, it seems to me that as you yourself said, you're looking 'for a  way around' the regular procedure. Why else would you say that the UN career opportunities website is of no help to you? Maybe you're hoping somebody in charge would see your post here and contact you. I suggest you try to be a little more patient and stick to official channels. Good luck:)

  4. You don´t need be famous or well known. Go ahead. The following occupational groups contain posts currently open for recruitment:

    Administration [95]

    Civil Affairs [6]

    Conference Services [24]

    Drug Control and Crime Prevention  [8]

    Economic Affairs [19]

    Engineering [26]

    Finance [35]

    Human Resources [22]

    Human Rights [27]

    Humanitarian Affairs [19]

    Information Management [15]

    Information System and Technology [47]

    Internship [1]

    Jurists [8]

    Legal Affairs [31]

    Logistics [115]

    Medical [9]

    Ombudsman [1]

    Political Affairs [26]

    Population Affairs [2]

    Procurement [12]

    Programme Management [27]

    Public Administration [1]

    Public Information [34]

    Security [25]

    Social Affairs [12]

    Statistics [4]

  5. If im on the money you are looking to join the United Nations High Committee on Refugees correct? If you are from the United States, it will be more difficult because well, the World Headquarters is in New York (General and Security at least). And of course more Americans are applying as a result of this.

    Foreign languages help

    Arab might help in addition to Hindi

    If you mean ambassadors to state (like US ambassador to South Korea or ect.) you might like to know the President, as the US White House appoints such people

    the United Nations International Children's Efficiency Fund (UNICEF) or Oxfam work might help as they are charities that do work around the world.

  6. 1. it is Hindi not Hindu.

    2. if u r serious about this "life's goal" will have to go to the website.  

    3. yes, it takes a lot to be a goodwill ambassador.  but that doesn't mean it is impossible.  there are many others things to do at the UN at both local, regional and international tiers.

    4. it is not the years at the peace corps that matters but what u do that is relevant and variety.

    5. consider French or German too for wider scope

    6.  if u intend to work at an international org, you must have the ability to "think otherwise".

  7. A website that explains the career opportunities at the UN, job requirements, and how to apply is of no help to you, but answers from a handful of random strangers are?

    How peculiar...

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