
The upcoming solar eclipse at 9 leo and the lunar eclipse at 25 aquarius. How do they affect your chart?

by Guest56036  |  earlier

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And I have the solar eclipse conjunct my natal south node in leo 8th - how can I interpret this?




  1. They don't!

    Leo  and Aquarius are illusions, they are apparent alignments of stars as seen from earth; the stars themselves are not genuinely grouped or related to each other in any way in real space, and have no connection, whatsoever, with either the sun or the moon! Astrology is a pseudo-science that consists mostly of drawing up charts that bear no relation to anything real at all!

  2. Well they will make me moody and restless, racing and pacing.!!!

    You can expect a better period than me.!!!

  3. Im not sure how eclipses work on the natal charts... all i can say is... solar eclipse in leo at 9 degrees in my 5th house will

    Square my natal moon in scorpio in the 7th house

    Square my natal pluto also in scorpio in the 7th house

    Oppose my path of fortune in aquarius in the 11th house

    Oppose my north node in aquarius in the 11th house

    Conjuct my south node in leo in the 5th house

    Sextile my vertex in libra in the 6th house

    So basically its gonna affect my dreams/carreer (what i wanna do when i grow up LOL) my lifestyle, my relationships and my friendships... maybe ill get a new reputation in society or in the worst case, people thinking wrongly of me in which it will affect my dreams, force a lifestyle change and put me further away from my quest to achieve the fortune and seriously damage my emotions... doesnt seem to be too good, specially when you receive your exam grades from the 2nd phase by then and im seeing its gonna be attached to those grades :(

    Now for the lunar eclipse at 25 aquarius in the 11th house (in my case :P)

    Conjucts path of fortune

    Conjucts north node

    Opposes south node

    sextiles ascendant in aries 27º

    sextiles mars in sagittarius 24º in 9th house

    Square moon in scorpio

    square pluto in scorpio

    This seems to be a lot better even though i cant say for sure if thats the case, not sure how eclipses work astrologically, first off it looks like ill have to get out there (maybe ill find a part time job by then) it also seems to show that this out there may improve myself and also force me to act (mars :P), it also looks like it will put me closer to my fortune or path of greatness, but, as always, it squares my moon, my emotions may not like any of these times, maybe ill be out there doing stuff i dont like but that i must do in order to get a benefit... :/

    Think of the south node as that which you are confortable as and think of the north node as that which you must develop... if a eclipse conjucts a node its gonna draw emphasis to that nodes energy and in turn turn out the other...(north node conjuction would be you being out there and doing new stuff, south node would be you being attached to what you normally like but not being willing to try the new)

    I hope this helps you in any way

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