
The upper part of my nose is swollen...right imbetween my eyes, what is it?

by  |  earlier

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It is only on one side, the left, and it is also my eye. It is not from any contact or hit but it has been 3 days and it is not going down. I do not feel pain or anything, I do have a runny nose. Could it be an infection? Any thoughts would be helpful.

P.S. - I don't think it is allergies.




  1. It could be, I suggest you go and see your GP as soon as possible, just in case.

  2. Nooo it definetely is allergies, the runny nose gives it away

  3. Sounds like sinusitus. Get it check out

  4. An infection would more than likely hurt.  It sounds like you have some type of either cyst or tumor (hopefully not malignant.)  You should go to a doctor and have it biopsied immediately.  

    The real danger here is the proximity to your brain.  If this thing were in your leg, you could probably watch it without concern, but because of it's location, it can suddenly turn deadly by spreading to your brain.

    Get medical attention right away!

  5. I think it might be a sinus infection. I think you should go see a doctor.

  6. You have lymph nodes everywhere in your body. Sometimes an infection drains into a lymph node and causes swelling. I am surprised it doesn't feel painful though. I would go to a doctor if it doesn't go away. Try not to let SB answer freak you out. I think that is over reacting just a little.

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