
The use of waste as a source of energy? is it good or bad ?

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The use of waste as a source of energy? is it good or bad ?




  1. good it get rid of the space it takes up

  2. Most kinds of waste generated by the developed countries has a very low energy potential, and any attempt at generating energy from it would release pollutants into the atmosphere with equal or worse damage to the environment than those produced by the burning of fossil fuels.  However, in the case of organic waste, using 'composting' techniques can generate large quantities of methane gas, which is much cleaner than fossil fuels.  The process which generates the methane also generates high temperatures, heat which can be harnessed and taken advantage of thereby reducing the need for fossil fuel energy.  Finally I would ask you to consider this three word question:  'Recycle or reuse?'

  3. yes because waste gives off Co2 and this will help to stop global warming

  4. good that way were not burying the whole countryside with rubbish. start recycling there wont be room to bury things forever and why throw something away that can be used again scientist say if we recycle we can reduce global warming by at least 30% in the next ten years which will benefit us all and the next generation to come

  5. Difficult to say.

    Because of contaminants and water, waste has a low "energy value".  You need to use other fuels in the process, and the amount of energy you actually recover from the waste is small.

    You need good pollution controls to deal with the emissions.

    Basically, it's done in a few cases, mostly for wastes that are best destroyed by heat (medical waste is an example) or where landfill space is a big problem.

  6. yes ,so is all this wasted energy on the web that they didnt think of,electricity that is !!

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