
The vet killed my pet spider on purpose!!

by  |  earlier

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I gave my pet spider a bath about 30 minutes ago, when I took him out of the sink he was evidently really sleepy because he didn't move at all. I told him to roll over and he didn't move, I then told him to get me a sandwich and he still didn't move. So I gave him a light spanking to wake him up ( and to show him that I wasn't going to take no for and answer). I began to suspect that something was wrong when he still didn't wake up after that so I took him to the veterinarian. The vet just laughed at me then took my pet spider and squished it!!!! I am SO mad!! Should I sue him?




  1. AWWW!!!

    poor spider :[

    er idk? hows ur ant doing??

    i saw ur other questions :p

  2. uh if u got that spider from outside......dont sue him, i know people may like spiders and keep them as pets but.......i dont think most vets dont know how to take care of small spiders.......

  3. Sure.

  4. Was it an actually pet spider, or was it just one you found in your house or outside?  You shouldn't spank a spider.  Just go outside and get a new one.

    You taught a spider to do tricks?  Ok, that's pretty cool though.

    NO, don't sue the vet!


  6. Yes you should, just make sure to cover your spider's remains in cheese to preserve it for evidence. And what the heck is wrong with you, trying to get a spider to make you a sandwich, THEY'RE ALLERGIC TO BREAD!! An you should always spank a spider if they misbehave, if they keep misbehaving, lock them in a closet. Oh yea, mine can do the CHA CHA, take that!

  7. omg!  AHAHA  

    thnx for the laugh!!!


    priceless  =P

    *curse that vet!*

  8. Ha Ha Ha....I'm killing myself of laughter ha ha......-.- No...

  9. yah know what?you're mad.

    i looked over at some of the questions you've far,you're asking questions like:

    can is cook my friends for diiner?


    i my classmate at school a half rabbit?


    you're freakishly funny.i like your questions.


    keep up the weird questions!

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