
The vet thinks bruno has cancer?

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my sons cat bruno came to us about 6 years ago we had to have all his teeth removed, because his gums were very infected and would not respond to treatment, 2years ago he was diognosed as having an overactive tyroid, which is being treated well, about 9 months ago he was very ill will a mass near his lungs he was treated with dieretic treatment, the vet gave him about 3 months to live, a couple of weeks ago he stated to appear to gain weight, we took him back to the vet who found 2 mass on the scans near his liver and splein, again he has tablet for the fluid, they removed fluid from his stomach for tests they have found no cancer cells, but the vet is convinced he has lymphomas they want to do more tests, operations and possibly chemo, we are guessing brunos age at roughly 17-18 based on his problems and appearance, the question is this sounds very harsh but is all this treatment going to improve his quailty of life or just prolong his suffering, we all adore bruno, he hates being messed about with, he gets very streesed when going to the vet to the extent that he poos himself, if he were a younger healthy cat i would not be asking for advice he would get the treatment, i dont know if he would be better just living the life he has now, or putting him through all this stress and surgury for something that may not work, this is heartbreaking for all of us please only sensable answers,




  1. I think it would be better for if he was put to sleep, he has been through alot! Im sure he has had a wonderful life. Im sorry that Bruno is ill.

  2. I understand that your cat has developed "ascites" which is the accumulation of fluid within the abdominal cavity. This frequently happens with end stage heart or liver disease.

    A mass on the liver would certainly explain the symptoms you describe.

    I do not believe that you need any more testing at this point: your poor cat is suffering from cancer which is not good news. Also, in my experience, the development of ascites is a poor prognosis sign. Therefore, and also considering Bruno's old age, I would not consider chemo a reasonable option.

    The best decision is probably to allow Bruno a decent ending and to let him go to sleep peacefully.

    Best wishes, Julien

  3. Hi Jackie; I have to agree with Julian on this one.  Given his age and what he's gone through, I think you've done a wonderful job with him and shown yourself to be responsible and loving pet owners.

    What you've described is definitely cancer and ascites is nothing that will ever go away.  What that means is that his liver is failing.  When this happens, there is nothing that can bring him back.

    And they do remember what happens at the vet, so taking him to get treatments at his age is something I could not put him through.

    I wouldn't say this to many of the questions posted here, as many just don't do the due diligence in educating themselves on pet ownership.  But you obviously do not fall in this category.

    I would meet with the vet (or perhaps a second opinion with another one) to know what to do at this point, as I think you've already made up your mind.  I think it comes down to the quality of life that you would want to give him on his last days of this lifetime.  Either put him through tests, chemo and such which will just make his days miserable, or ask for pain meds, monitor his behavior on a daily basis and when the time comes, release him from his pain.

    Not any easy road to walk down, but when you take an animal into your home, they take up residence in your heart as well.  We are their voice, and we can also be their salvation when it's time to go home.

    Good luck and wishing you sweet times with the time you have left with him.

  4. Having lost a cat due to bad cat food, I would stay get your records from your vet and have another vet look at him. You can even get one to come to your cat, and that will help with Bruno's stress.

    There is nothing easy about the choices you are having to make. You already know in your hearts what the right thing is to do. Get another opinion, but if its the same let the kitty live out the life he loves with you now.

    My heart feels what youre going through.

  5. I work in a Veterinary practice as a veterinary nurse so I can appreciate what these animals go throught with this sort of cancer. I have 2 cats that I adore and I would never put them through this kind of treatment, chemo is the most heart breaking thing to watch an animal have.

    Your cat is very old and even if he was in fantastic health he would probably only live a couple more years, don't put yourselves and him  through it you have already showed your care for him by the treatment you have given him.

    Good Luck

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