
The view from the bottom. It's a poem, right??

by  |  earlier

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Staring at the base of the wall

Awed by the task that lay ahead

In my mind it looked so small

Now I’m struck with fear and dread

I knew it was something that I could do

My plan was so neatly laid

Or did I bite more than I could chew

What was this choice that I made

A simple life with a simple plan

It was an easy choice for me

For I thought I was a simple man

How wrong could I possibly be

Like all people I had thoughts and dreams

Wondrous words marched through my head

Dragged myself through my plots and schemes

Not unscathed but still not dead

I wonder if I’ll pass this test

Will I know if I succeed

How do I try and judge my success

Is it measured in how much I bleed





  1. The Test You Passed,With Honours,

    Tasks,You Do Exceed!.Failure In What Your

    Doing? There Is None,YOU'LL Succeed!

  2. The sense of struggle is evident.  Is the will to push forward stronger than the posibility of defeat?  I like that there is no definitive answer.  Good job.

  3. Yes, it's a poem, and a fairly nice one at that.  You might try to make it less rhymy next time by using an abcb rhyme scheme instead of the abab you used for this one.  It isn't "bad", it just comes off a little rhymy because of the proximity to rhyming sounds.

    ...and keep writing

  4. How much you bleed?

    Wow -- that is quite an ending!

    Well done; your very subtle reference to reincarnation is magic.


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