
The volleyball season is over in 12 days...I'm upset and angry, because it's what I live for. Please help!

by  |  earlier

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I'm upset that after the last game is over next Thursday, I may start bawling on the court, or in the locker room. I just don't want it to be over. I want to stay in touch with my coach, who is my idol, and I want to have something fun to do with my time. I play no other sports, and I'm afraid I'll be bored all the time. I'm glad I'll have more time for schoolwork, but it's not the same. So if you have any ideas on how to calm myself and keep from crying, let me know, please! This may not sound like a big deal to anyone else, but to me, it is. Very much. Thank you!!





  1. Yah i know that it is going to suck!! BAD!! Volleyball is the only sport that i do!! this was my first year....i was the only Rookie!! which sucked and i dont get to play much!! i am in 7th grade and my team is very good!! we have only lost 4 games! which can be bad but in our case we just let it go after a while!! we have won about 9!!! i actually have a game tonight!! Do you live in Ohio??If you do then do you know a school named Trimble well anyways thats my school!! Just thought that i am would say something!!! Do you have a Yahoo! messager name!! i do Add me if you do!! Young_tomcat8_2012 is my name!!Oh yah and a way to stay calm is to just relax!!! and wait until next year!! You can always go to the Gym and play!! that always works!! well Just thought that i am would say something!!! G2G!! bye!!


  2. You should try to join a club volleyball team which would start around is a great way to keep playing volleyball and to meet new people...that is what i am going to do this winter!!!

  3. i feel u!! its my last season 2 n ill miss my friends alot but i am planning on taking everyone to the beach n playin vball there is a thing u shuld try...r you planing on going 2 college n play there? least youl have memories that u will cherish forever its better than not playin at all..

  4. You are doing more than just completing a volleyball season!  You are making memories that you will have for the rest of your life.   I coached high school volleyball for 18 years, and when I see girls from my early career, their memories turn them into 17 year old girls again.  They tell me about the fun that they had and the pride that they had in their accomplishments, and even how they learned from our failures.  Finish the season with this attitude:  You are writing the last chapter in a very important book.

         As far as how to fill in the void left by volleyball, try to find some other activity to replace a small part of the  fun that you had in volleyball.  Volunteer to keep the book for softball or basketball, or to help with the junior high volleyball team.  Maybe trying out for the play or the newspaper staff would be your thing.  I'm sure that you will not get the same satisfaction from activities like this, but they would be a good way of gearing down.  Just remember, no one can take this season away from you.  Volleyball forever!

  5. I am sure some of your teammates feel the same. Since volleyball is play inside, you can  get together with some of your friends and even if is not competitive like in a tournement

    you can have fun . Let your coach take a break and get ready for the next season

  6. if ur team is close enough u guys can keep playing on your own time.  I know, it sucks doesn't it??

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