
The wallabies were in our town today making an ad for TV!!?

by  |  earlier

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I live in a small rural town in queensland called ALLORA and the wallabies came today to make an ad. They were all so nice and genuine and talked to everyone unlike some sportspeople.




  1. I have never met the Wallabies but I have heard that they are nice people. I am not a big fan of league players - so many of them seem to be thugs.

    You never hear of a union player involved in a s*x scandal or rape claim!

  2. Sweet

    but not a question (nit that it really matters tome I needed to hear someone say something good)

    what did you get autographed

  3. Cool, but u could have added to the end 'Do U like the Wallabies?' so it was a question.

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