
The walls of my room are RED,the room is big and i want to PAINT it white over the weekend.any SHORTCUTS?

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rag technique? CAN AMATEURS TRY WALL PAPER? anybody? pleeeeeez help!




  1. you must first paint the wall with 2 quick coats of primer paint. After that you can paint it white or wallpaper it it or whatever,,but u must prime it first. And then let it dry over nite with the windows open.

  2. To do it FAST, get the shellac-based (read oil-based) primer, like Kilz.  The water-based Kilz primer will work and is easier to work with but it may require more coats.  You may be able to get away with one coat of shellac Kilz, or even that will probably require two coats.  

    Then do your top-coat.  You may only need one coat if you laid down two good coats of primer.

    The people on here who say just do an extra coat with your top coat and that you don't need to use primer don't know what they are talking about.  I tried that approach once and learned the hard way never to do it again.  (It took me 8 coats to finish the job.)

  3. Depending on the shade of red, there really aren't any shortcuts to cut a lot of time. Wall paper is messy and creates a daunting task when needed to be taken off. Try Killz paint. It's a solid white, about as white as you could amagine. I use it when I am painting a room from a dark color to a light color, without changing the new shade I want painted. When having a dark shade, and painting a lighter shade on top of it, can make that new shade darker. If you want a certain kind of white, still use Killz first or else that white would become pink. Rag and/or sponge techniques are mostly used for techture and design on a wall and usually take more time then just a roller and paint brush. Sorry if I wasn't any help.

  4. You definitely will need to use the KILZ primer to cover the paint.  Keep it simple and just paint.  Get some friends to come over and help.  Then, when all the work is done, feed them and provide tasty beverages suitable to your age and preference.


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  6. I painted over dark plum red room a while ago with two good coats of cream-colored paint, and it worked fine. It took one day. You could use primer for the first coat, but in my experience, it works just as well to use an extra coat of the paint color you want to use. This wasn't for professional results, but I think it looked very good and you couldn't see the red at all.

  7. If you paint, use a coat of quality, stain blocking primer first (like kilz). Otherwise, the red will bleed through and you'll paint coat after coat trying to cover it.

    Even if you paper, you should paint over the red or the red will bleed through the paper (depending on the style/type of paper).

    Any shortcut will result in poor results.

    Wall papering is easy. It's also easy to s***w up. The corners are the tricky part since 1) they are never plumb and 2) the pattern won't match. Look on-line for how to wallpaper. Take your time and you'll have great results.

  8. Walpaper isn't easier than painting.

    Use a heavy primer over the red, then do the white coat.

    It will save you from having to do a million coats of white to cover up the red.

    You could also look into renting a sprayer from the hardwear store and spray the walls instead of rolling the paint on.

    I would also reccomend getting everyone you know to come and help. Have a "paint party" serve up some drinks and snacks and hotdogs.

  9. A big red room.....first things first.  Remove all the furniture that your can, everything else should be piled up in the middle of the room.  Wash the walls with a solution of water and TSP which can be purchased at the hardware store.  Lay down yours tarps, then mask off all of the areas you don't want painted.  Start the job by doing all of the trim areas first, around doors, windows and along the ceiling line, use a brush to do these areas and bring the line out a few inches from the corners.  Put the paint on the main areas with a roller.  You may need several coats to cover red.  Or you may want to start with a coat of good primer then your finish color.

    Many of the big box stores have areas in their paint department that show how to do special techniques and have the supplies available to accomplish the task.  

    Sure, amateurs can wallpaper, it just takes a number of jobs to get good at it.

    Good Luck and have fun!!!!

  10. White over red will take multiple coats to cover.  Use a coat of "KILZ" as a primer and it should hep you cover the red in fewer coats.  Wash the walls first to remove any dirt or oils that might affect adhesion bewteen the coats of paint and give the original red walls a once over with a piece of fine grit sand paper (before the wash) that will also help you with adhesion.  (so your new paint won't peel).

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