
The war on drugs?

by  |  earlier

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I have come to the conclusion that the government has no hope

how can you stop something that makes people feel good, is highly addictive and has extreme social possibilities?

And the dealing: 50% profit, no tax, instant cash.

Where i am (Australia) a six pack of jim beams is $26 at my local bottle shop.. with an ecstasy pill going at 25, how is those news laws going to help.

6 drinks? or a pinger for cheaper. ill take the pill thanks.




  1. It's one war or another; instead if there were a coherant public policy it may prove to be more effective in re to domestic issues.

  2. ya, all the Governments have been playing both sides of all the wars, profits from both sides since WWI~!!!

  3. the war on drugs is a fallacy... the government was never meant to win this so called war on drugs, but rather to corner the market, its just another example of big business in the good ol usa...


  4. I know I'll probably get some flamers but I think all drugs should be legal. The government has no right to tell us what we can or can not do in that respect. I've never used illegal drugs but I don't think we have the right to tell adults what they can or can not do.

    The "war" will never be won because it's popular with the populace. Can you imagine how much money the US would make in taxes alone if all drugs were legal!? WOW! Plus, no more wasting money on chasing 'criminals' (drug users) and all these black gangs would go bust tomorrow.

    Just my never-to-be-humble opinion. :o)

  5. Ya, the war on Drugs was not supposed to be "Won"

    its going on and on ... Prohibition made HUGE profits for illegal alcohol producers.  and likewise the Prohibition of Drugs is making big bux for a very few individuals.  and its also good for filling up prisons with offenders and that makes $$$! for the private sector prison operators.  Greed inc. sees it as a win - win proposition

  6. I really dont see the war going anywhere, But the goverments are to far in. There not going to just say forget about it now after all the pointless dollars they have spent. Goverments should just forget about controlling every little thing we do every day of are lives, and worry about protection as a whole country.

  7. What is interesting is in Afghanistan since we have had troops there "looking for Bin Laden" and fighting terrorism, the opium production has jumped there from about 10% to almost 90% of the worlds supply

    Why could we not burn the poppy fields or spray them with defoilant, so simple....we are there flying around bombing the h**l out of other things, bomb the poppy fields too!!

    Maybe with all the hundreds of millions of dollars in confiscated cash, cars, boats, property we could buy a plane and defoilant..?

    Wait a second, we could use one of the many planes that has been confiscated........

    Theres no "war" on drugs (well maybe to get the profits), just enough to make it look like we are trying and to be politically correct! Most prople believe what they are spoon fed on the sanitized 6:00 news and do not look around for themselves.

  8. A direct result of very idealistic thinking - rather than realistic. The intent is admirable - the results, not so much.

    The War on Drugs along with the War on Poverty are both extraordinarily expensive programs and only serve to demonstrate what people mean when they talk of the government bureaucracy. Both "Wars" cannot be won because the people are the determining factor in the end, not the government.
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