
The war with Iraq and Afghanistan...possobly Iran....?

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So let me get this straght..Us invaded Afghanistan becase of the Taliban.....then they invaded Iraq becuse of saddam...and now they are invading iran..because???...and if they do will it stop..untill they come to mecca?... Does anyone know what America are getting into? onther than the mother of Pandoras Boxes....Im muslim and i know how touchy we are about faith and i think we're doing the worst thing applicable! so what do you think?




  1. Its not a war against Islam, its a war about terror and terrorist.  The U.S should of gone into Afghanistan, we should not of gone into Iraq because Sadam was not harboring terrorist.  Iran is corrupt country full of criminals trying to build nukes.  And really?  does the U.S know what they are getting themselves into?  come on, if the middle east pushes us to the edge, all it would take is a 15 minute phone call and a 20 digit code for us to make the middle east a big sheet of glass.  The question is does the middle east know what they are doing?

  2. Well the USA always has a reason why to invade if you know what I mean

  3. I am a non-Muslim American and I'll say I am glad the USA is fighting the Taliban - one of the worst abusers of human rights in modern history. I think Saddam should have been overthrown, but the USA and the UK should have left Iraq after the new government was sworn in.

    There won't be a ground invasion of Iran. It won't get enough public support (in the USA or the UK) and there aren't enough soldiers for it. Iran is 3 times the size of Iraq and a ground invasion would be a massive military operation. One they can't afford to do, in terms of troops and money.

    If there are airstrikes against Iran's nuclear facilities, there will be riots in the UK because the price of gasoline there will be $12 USD a gallon. (the metric equivalent of a gallon).

    In the USA the price will go up to about $8 USD a gallon.

    When that happens, no one will be able to afford to fill their gas tanks to go to work, and the weak economy could be paralyzed.

    So, I don't believe the Americans or the UK will attack Iran.

  4. Last I heard (and I just checked, America hasn't invaded Iran...yet. :)

    Everyone's opinion is different of course, but most believe there were legitimate reasons for the U.S. to invade Afghanistan. Specifically because they were harboring Al Qaeda who master minded the 9/11 attacks.  The fact the attack also overthrew the Taliban leadership, a repressive regime, was just a bonus.

    Invading Iraq is a different story, and regardless of the outcome there weren't great reasons for that invasion, depending on how much the U.S. government truly believed there was a connection with Al Qaeda and the presence of weapons of mass destruction etc.

    If they genuinely believed their intelligence, and felt Saddam had some connection to Al Qaeda and also had a plan to develop WMDs (perhaps even had a nuclear program), then we can't blame them for not having 20-20 hindsight now....

    But if it was just to get at their oil, or to create a situation where they can make a lot of money for their friends (ie. no bid contracts all going to Cheney's old company Halliburton,) or to get back at Saddam who apparently tried to put a "hit" out on George Bush Sr, then thats a different story.

    Why would they invade Iran?  For the same reason Israel is rattling its swords and doing military exercises suitable for a strike against them (ie. air combat exercises over the Mediterranean)...

    Specifically, they are concerned that Iran will develop a nuclear weapon which could destabilize the region or, at worse,  result in a nuclear attack against Israel.  Considering the fact the Iranian leadership has been quoted as essentially saying Israel should be wiped off the map, these concerns aren't exactly unwarranted.

    But I seriously doubt there is a grand plan for the U.S. to have an all out war against Islam, as your question seems to allude to. :-)

    Public opinion in the U.S. is against war, and the overall hope is that both Iraq and Afghanistan can be stabilized and their citizens have a better quality of life than what they had before the wars began.

    The Iran situation is stickier and they aren't helping matters by  gearing up their uranium enrichment while still calling for the destruction of Israel.  That is the most potentially dangerous situation on the planet right now, imo.

    Good question and I hope my opinion was of interest. :-)

  5. Afghanistan was invaded in order to plant oil and gas pipelines and to take control of the opium crop.

    Iraq was about oil.  Iran will be about oil too although the US military is too hard stretched to do anything.

    Looks like the USA has bitten off more than it can chew.  Look what happened to the Soviet Union after they took control of Afghanistan for several years.

  6. The war mongers in the White House are not the kind of people who would stop without something stopping them, So I don't know when or where it would end.

  7. I love it when someone threatens with "the Mother of" anything.

    It is always the precursor to losing something to US troops.

    Ask Saddam, Ask Momar Qaddafi Duck.

  8. U.S.A will never stop starting war with other country's, just

    because they have strong military power they think they could do any thing they want , thats not right

  9. When did we start invading Iran? I'd like for you to tell me that much.

    If you are referring to whatever the news media is telling you, you're misinformed.

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