
The water in my pool is i need chlorine or what???

by  |  earlier

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yes jup i have a patio around it with tables and we have beach balls




  1. yes that is just gross!!!!

  2. You will need to first do a "shock treatment" with chlorine. There will be directions on the chemical...then in a day or so, take a sample to a pool chemical store, they will test it free, and tell you what else you need to do with the water!

  3. no its suppose to be like that, go on and jump in, it`s fine

  4. Go to a pool shop and get them to come and test it.

    There are all sorts of issues with pools these days,  the acidity, green moss, if pets swim in it it changes the acidity, if you have a salt pool...

    Get them to test it and they will give you a program to fix it.

  5. The green is the precense of Alge. It's a green (sometimes yellow orange, almost blue) growth. When tempature is appropriate i would suggest a good algecide and shock treatment for the the capacity of your pool. Also you will need to scrub the bottom and the walls to rid yourself all of it.

    Otherwise a draining and scrubbing and refill and shock.

    Remember to adjust ph balance the alkalinity before chlorine level!

  6. i think you should add some pool detergent

  7. The green is alge.  You probably will need algicide to kill it.  You should have the chemicals checked or do it yourself to make sure you have the right chemical balance.

  8. You have a green algie build up in your pool.  It not only needs chlorine but needs too be shocked or super chlorinated.  You can get shock treatment anywhere they sell swimming pool supplies.

  9. Yes, shock the water and then keep the chlorine levels at the right measurement.  BTW, I'm jealous.  It's really cold here.  If I had a pool, it would be covered in ice.  Brrr...

  10. hmm your table shouldn't have water on it.. the green tinge is probably caused by the material on the pool table. you'll need a new table or you could restore the top but don't put chlorine on it it will ruin it more.. the balls wont roll as easily now.

  11. change the area the question is in if you wanna get a good answer. your in the pool with the game on the table with balls that go up in a numerical order

  12. drain the pool,,clean it and then start over again with fresh water and chlorine. Get a test kit.

    You can also use Bromine instead of chlorine. Cost a little more but lasts longer.

    Go to a pool supply store,,ask questions,,,,buy a book on maintenance,,,etc.

    Once you learn about it,,pool maintenance is easy.

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