
The water is my tropical fish tank smells.....?

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but the worst thing is there are lots of little tiny flies gathering at the top of the tank!

What on earth do to rectify this problem?

Please help!




  1. your water it just stagment, do a 20% water change every week and it will get better

  2. I would suggest cleaning your filtration system, they might be attracted to buildup of algea around, inside, and ontop of it. When I get flies that are dumb enough to get stuck in my tank...Gimpy (Blood Parrot Cichlid) makes a treat out of them.....

  3. it might be your feeding too much so there is excess food i would do a 50% water change and a filter clean also i would buy some trumpet snails to clean the algae and as for the flies get a cover hope this helps

  4. First try cleaning it and then ensure it has a proper cover on it to make sure the flys can't get in it.

  5. is it coverd up so nothing can get in ther? plus to get the tiny flies out get a net and get them out like that. make sure you take a couple of glasses of water out every other day and put a couple of fresh waters back in .

  6. Do a 50% water change and treat it with anti bactiea. try cleaning the filter out.                          

  7. You need to change the water, or at least do a part water change if it smells. Have you cleaned your filters out and is the system actually working? The flies you have mentioned sound like 'fruit flies' which gather around rotting food. Clean all the old fish food off the top of the tank. It might be attracting them to the tank.  

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