
The way Joel Osteen preaches: appropriate or too much feel good while dodging the truth?

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Does he miss the mark on salvation or is he doing well how he preaches?

I've noticed he has a tendency to preach about what makes us feel good or helps further our life, but I cannot recall one time when he has preached that Jesus is the necessary means for salvation. He does offer the "say this prayer, get yourself in a good Bible-based church and keep God first in your life and He'll take you to places you've never been" speech at the end of every broadcast, but is that enough? Should there be more emphasis on why we need salvation?

So, it comes down to: motivational speaker or pastor?




  1. You can put frosting on a cow pie and call it cake, but no matter how much frosting you use, it's still a cow pie.  

  2. A real song and dance man

  3. He 'soled out'.  Just another 'mouthpiece' goin' to the bank.

  4. Joel Olsteen is a false teaching prosperity gospel preacher .

    He's not teaching the gospel of Christ that's for sure . Ever hear him mention h**l or sin ? You Tube is loaded with very good video commentary's by bible believing Christians exposing his false teachings..God bless you !

  5. Modern people don't want to hear about heaven or h**l and that is why the preachers like Osteen and Rick warren just give pop psychology lectures.  if they preached a real sermon their mega-churches would be empty.

  6. He's a false teacher.  

    In many public opportunities he had to proclaim the only way of salvation, he folded like a house of cards that someone stepped on.  

  7. At the urging of some of my in laws and church family I have watched some of his shows..........

    I never heard the Gospel of Jesus once !!!!!!!!

    WARNING !!!!!!

  8. i didn't know i was reading g*y and L*****n forum until you pointed it out!

    i think you need different types of pastors to get Gods message out,

    joel osteen is definitely feel good religion, but he is also positive and encouraging.........

    does he hammer you with fire and brimstone?  no?  do i enjoy his hour on tv, yeah he gives me something i can use or carry into the week either in my job or with my family.........

    in regards to salvation messages, Fred Price says once you hear one salvation message, you never need to hear another, a pastors job is to preach (joel preaches how to live) and teach ( well he teaches us how or encourages us how to live)  it's different but its good compared to others.

    bottom line, to each his own

  9. He never once mentions repentance.  

  10. The stories caught our attention....

    the moral stories  .

    His audience is   astronomical.  Must be preaching right .

  11. Osteen calls himself a "life coach". He needs to start preaching from that Bible and about Salvation through Jesus Christ.  

  12. I agree with you on that. Theres too many people who want the  " feel good" religion without being good. They want their sins explained but they dont want to confess their sins. I have to agree with you that its too much feel good. Check out John Hagee or Charles Stanley online. They both preach the full truth.  

  13. He cries too much, then laughs all the way to the bank.

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