
The way humans live life is not meant to be?

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A little thought here. WHY DO WE LIVE LIFE THE WAY THE WORLD'S LEADERS TELL US TO???!!!???!!!?!?! why must we go to school, get jobs, then retire and die just because people told us to live life like that. why arent we allowed to life life the way we want to. but no! every inch of this world is controlled by a country and they all live life the same F***ING WAY!!!! WHY do we HAVE to go to school? WHY do we have to get JOBS? WHY do we have to pay someone for a house, for SHELTER and SAFETY? WHY is there even money in the world. WHY IS THERE NOT ONE, JUST ONE F***ING PLACE IN THIS GOD***M WORLD WHERE WE CAN LIVE LIFE IN ENJOYMENT AND WHERE ANOTHER HUMAN, THE SAME SPECIES AS ME, DOES NOT CONTROL ME AND TELL ME WHAT TO DO!? please someone answer these questions because i am ONE F***ING INCH FROM SUICIDE!




  1. Ok well first off you need to chill with the suicide c**p.

    Now to answer your question or at least look at it. Organization is extremely important for any society. Even animals do it. Instead of money they use food and s*x to create a ladder of leadership. Who gets to eat first, and who gets to mate with the lead female etc. Humans use money because unlike animals, we trade. Trading is very important to us as we use it to acquire things that we normally wouldn't be able to have.

    If you can't build a house or shoot a cow, you need to be able to trade to get what you require. That's why we have money. It is a middle man. Instead of trading A for C, we say that we can trade A for B and then B for C where B is money. People trade things for money then use money to trade for things. Like I said, just a middle man. Money is one of the ways we establish dominance in our society. Does it suck? Yeah sometimes. Especially if something is expensive or if you have trouble getting a job.

    Why do we go to school and get jobs? Man is inherently curious. Going to school is an important part of our culture and furthering humanity. People have done it forever and when they didn't they were slaves or so rich they didn't have to. We need something to occupy our time and we also need money.

    Now some people do feel how you do with leaders. America actually felt that way to some degree. Although we felt that we needed different leaders because after a certain point, the colonies realized a government was crucial to surviving. So in the end money, school and leaders are all important. We need to know where we fit in, we need to occupy our time and we need to feel secure that our leaders are taking care of us or at the very least, leading. Is this whole thing somewhat circular? Yeah, I'll give you that. But that's life. We life we, we die, and our children do the same thing.

    Maybe you should focus more on what to do to better yourself instead of 'sticking it to the man'.

  2. I agree, this is stupid.

    I think I rather live with freedom and like our ancestors with nature.

    At least it was carefree and that we don't have the potential to kill the life of earth in our hands.

    Hey, in the end we all die, I think as humans we should live by what we want to do most and not waste half of our lives being told what to do.

    So, don't kill yourself, just enjoy life. You only live once. Forget about what others say.

    " We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give."

                                                                          - Winston Churchill

  3. dude use my gun or maybe you can stop and think i am so glad to talk to you about this because i feel the same way yes i can relate that is why the closest form of spiritualism i have is black sabbath's lyrics not as a guide but approval of my thoughts and emotions dont get caught up in tradition find and identify what makes you passionate ife if you love animalsrescue the ones in need find a way to help troubled teens give them direction your obviously someone that feels.make that the reason to separate yourself from the ugly that you seem is closing yourself in dont let no mother ****** empty headed pricks make your world  grow a set of iron ******* balls please open your ******* eyes because the struggle of life is not them its proud and rejoice in the fact that your not a card member in the scumbag club

  4. Chill out man, Yes world sucks at times and humans are not the best bunch hang around, but there got to be more reasons for which you want to suicide. I can't be more disagree with the way the world works and give it my will everything would be done differently, and yes I often times have bouts of rage and even depression bout it, it's a direct derivative of what's call existential angst which is known to plagues freethinkers. But come on, suicide? What's it gonna change? There are more intelligent and effective ways to minimize the world's influence on you. Especially once you hit 18 ;).

  5. I think about that most of the times,

    i think in general nothing is meant to be at all,

    we happened to be here and live here on earth,

    and modern civilization is what humans came to have after all these years,

    honestly if you dont like it you can leave it, the door is open,

    you can go live in nature, in a jungle or a cave on your own and be totally free,

    thats just another lifestyle and nothing worng with it

    but if you want technology, electricity, clean water, cars,comptures, you gotta live by those rules!

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