A little thought here. WHY DO WE LIVE LIFE THE WAY THE WORLD'S LEADERS TELL US TO???!!!???!!!?!?! why must we go to school, get jobs, then retire and die just because people told us to live life like that. why arent we allowed to life life the way we want to. but no! every inch of this world is controlled by a country and they all live life the same F***ING WAY!!!! WHY do we HAVE to go to school? WHY do we have to get JOBS? WHY do we have to pay someone for a house, for SHELTER and SAFETY? WHY is there even money in the world. WHY IS THERE NOT ONE, JUST ONE F***ING PLACE IN THIS GOD***M WORLD WHERE WE CAN LIVE LIFE IN ENJOYMENT AND WHERE ANOTHER HUMAN, THE SAME SPECIES AS ME, DOES NOT CONTROL ME AND TELL ME WHAT TO DO!? please someone answer these questions because i am ONE F***ING INCH FROM SUICIDE!