
The way they speak now on ESPN?

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Anyone else notice since Steven A smith came around, that all anyone says, is "The reality of the situation is, and "In actuality", and "It is what it is" and all the other annoying terms. It has become very nauseating for me to watch ESPN anymore, everyone speaks in this strange fashion that they think sounds so intelligent, it really gets to me.




  1. I hear ya.  ESPN has definitely changed over the last 5-10 years.  I wish they would go back to the days of Keith Olberman and Dan Patrick.  Those were the good ole days before the "Boo-ya" man Stewart Scott came in and changed the "game".  I think a lot of it is they put faces(mostly retired athletes) on TV because people want to see them but they are not necessarily qualified both with experience or communication skills.  So they give them a few lines to say repeatedly to make them sound intelligent.     I agree with you though, it doesnt work.

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