
The weather in Wales?

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What's the weather like in Wales in September? I'm going to Shrewsbury (I know it's not Wales, but it's on the border), Conwy and Harlech in September, so I'm curious.




  1. Go to then type in - average weather in shrewsbury

    It will give you a 'link' at the top of the page showing weather conditions for the corresponding months, you can select which and you will be able to select more options along with

  2. It always seems to rain in Wales, sorry,

  3. This site can tell you the weather for the next 15 days.

    Looks like it'll be about 20'C

  4. hopefully the weather in wales in september will be nicer we have been having poor weather in wales lately

  5. its usually really unpredictable. ive been to Wales a lot (i live in NW of England so its near enough) and i dont think its ever been sunny while ive been there lol. not that they dont have sunny days in Wales its just i seem to pick the wrong times to go! just make sure you take an umbrella and a waterproof plus warm clothing, as well as some summer clothes for if you have a hot day. i really enjoyed Conwy when i went, especially the castle! have a good time :)
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