
The weather is **** we stuck in,gotta 2 year old daughter bored-any suggestions?

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anyone seen the sun?




  1. Something arty? do some painting maybe so you can bring the outside in paint lots of flowers and animals and stick them all around the room, cooking is a good activity to do doesn't need to be complicated and children always get loads of satisfaction from making and tasting something they've made!

  2. there is sun in north london =]

    hope it comes to you.

    maybe you could go to the cinema if it is still rubbish weather!

    hope i helped


  3. The weather has been rubbish here in Scotland too and i have a 2 1/2 year old and a 18 month old who are very fed up. I have been playing the music and letting them dance about and be silly. Also my two love coloring in and drawing pics. I baked cakes with my daughters yesterday also and they loved it.  

  4. Wack some music on and let her dance to it.

  5. Go down the store, get a cardboard carton, and be inventive

  6. Yup :London not too bad xD

    Hmm.. go rent a film/ get something from On Demand if you have Virgin/ cable.

    Play board games.

    Play kids games online (Ceebeelies kids BBC site. etc)

    The world is your oyster!.

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