
The weight of the world on your shoulders?

by Guest65810  |  earlier

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When things get to a point in your life where you just question everything and wonder why you wasted so much time on things where reciprocation was needed but never given.

Where you thought at one point you had everything sorted out in your life only to realise it was all a mirage just a sick illusion that took hold of your imagination and sought to find the weakness from within.

For once you felt everything was going to be fine but in the end it was never how it seemed to be and then you were left with hope and then hope ran out.

And what are you left with then?




  1. Just do your best to go on day by day.  Let yourself be angry and down.  It's much better than suppressing your emotions.  Also look at this experience as a hard lesson learned.  But at the same time, take care of yourself.  Treat yourself in little ways.  Allow yourself time to heal.  Don't be impatient with yourself.

  2. It's only been a short time since, all this happened.....I say give your self time to heal.  Eventually, you will be able to look back & see why everything has worked out the way it has but, that may take quite a while. You got hurt because you're an open, loving, & caring person. You trusted someone & gave them your just wasn't the right person for whatever reason. Don't change who you are, if you close yourself off, then you close out all the most beautiful aspects of your personality. Some days you may scream & some maybe filled with tears but, eventually you'll smile again.

    To answer your question, we are left with hope for a better day ahead. If you look back on your life, I 'm sure you will see many times in which good things have happened when you least expected them & sometimes people are removed from our life so, the door may be opened for others to enter. Just try & be patient  & in time you'll be happy again I promise!

  3. And what are you left with? Experience. Time wasted, reciprocation never given, sick illusion, hope ran out. KJ, sounds like avatar problems. Mistakes are how we all learn. Forgot to say this is good writing. EDIT. Saw additional details. I revise. When we give because we love, expecting nothing in return, then it hasn’t been worthless. Disappointed, heartbroken, you had better believe it! Forget it! Move on.

  4. i am at that point of my life right now and i hate it.

  5. As difficult as it can be to embrace, love is never wasted energy, my friend. It transforms all that it touches. Although the outcome was not what you envisioned, who is to say that things did not turn out in a way that is in your highest good and the highest good of your loved one. I guarantee that even the pain you are feeling will teach you invaluable lessons. Being a light worker is often accompanied by a bit of discomfort, but no emotion you freely give is wasted. Be easy on yourself, my friend.

  6. I understand you. I feel like I can't let go so I carry the worlds weight on my shoulders. I just need to take a step back and understand that everything happens for a reason. If you are left with no hope, maybe you are to find it again. What REALLY makes YOU happy. Not someone. Something. If you have figured that out then just have fun with it and time will feel like an illusion. Then before you have time to blink you are in the place you have always dreamed. Good luck to you. Try to say positive. I know it is hard to do.

    **That is why I want u to find out what makes you happy. Not a person but something that you do and happiness follows. I am having similar problems w/ my marriage. I want it to work out but if it can't then I have to do what is best for me. You are the only one who is going to look after you. So do it. I will do it too!

  7. wow i going to put it like this you can't hold on to the past everything in life happens for a reason believe in god and destiny it will give you the stength you need. We woman were born with this strong will to live dont let nuthing as little as this get u down. Lets go back to a point every woman has when the first boy mess with your head and heart didnt it hurt then  but some how you got though it now i dont know you but i know your are strong enough to have made it this far so this is for anyone else who reads this and for you. You have to get on and work up the courage the strenght to live. I love this song that sums up your life now  "Alicia Keys -- lesson learned" please listen to it it might help any more question feel free to contact me.

  8. I feel like that right now,and it hurts so bad,because i feel like i don't have anyone to talk to about how i feel.

  9. Knowledge....The outcome of your mistakes is their recognition, and their recognition may be painful, but it makes you wiser and more complete every time.

    The point of making mistakes is to know how to avoid them next time...Being wrong every time and (especially) recognizing that fact is the only way to perfection. So you'd better love your mistakes for allowing you to develop and expand rather than blame them for leaving you "empty" now...

    Embrace your wrong choices as if they're a part of yourself now...because only YOU know how to use them (and if you're lucky enough) take advantage of them...

    When God closes the silver door, he opens the gold one :)

  10. Howdy, Atlas.

    You are left with experience, memories, and your future wide open to do with it what you will.

    Just when you think you have everything sorted out is exactly when something will change.

    You can't control other people, so it is important to find happiness within yourself so you always have that to comfort you. If you are not truly happy with yourself, no one else will ever truly make you happy.

    The person you speak of must not have been the one for you, but there is someone out there that will make you very happy.

    You now know to stay with those that make you feel at peace and connected, and stay away from those that are caught up in their own problems or want to change you.

    Everything's  not lost. ;)

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