
The weirdest thing happens to me as I sleep - Please help!?

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Sometimes when I sleep, it's LIKE I'm asleep, because I can't move and my body is relaxed, but my eyes are open and I'm fully aware of my surroundings, like the tv being on for example. And suddenly I get a vibrating sensation and it's like someone or something is in the room standing over me!

It takes a while before I can move and for the sensation to go, but while it's happening it's very frightening.

Has this happened to anyone else? Do you know what it is?




  1. Yes it's sleep paralysis. All that is happening is that your muscles are paralysed - this happens in various stages of sleep for brief times. It's common, though, for this to happen as we are falling asleep or waking up - although it isn't meant to happen at those times. When you are just falling asleep, or just waking up, you aren't either fully awake or fully asleep. The "feeling" that someone is standing over you happens because the awake part of your brain is very anxious, because being paralysed is a scary thing. But because part of your brain is asleep, you convert this feeling into a dream-like image ("a hypnogogic hallucination"). Having people (or beasts or ghosts) standing over you is very common, as is having something clinging to your back. This may be because you aren't awake enough to be fully logical about the situation - your brain is in a panic and some primitive part of your brain is saying "Help! Help! I'm lying here - I can't move and I'm frightened that something or someone will eat or attack me!". The sleeping part of your brain turns this into a very real-feeling hallucination of a presence. Sleep paralysis isn't harmful in itself - although scary and the sensations are very real feeling - hence the number of people who swear that "a ghost came into my room" or "I got visitied by an alien". Sleep better!

  2. Ever heard of Astral traveling ?When you go to sleep and sometimes under sedation your vital body leaves your physical body.when it returns to the body you fell what you describe as vibrations.Start paying attention to what may seem like dreams around the time you experience it.

  3. When your in a place you don't feel totally safe in your eyes open of their own accord and that sometimes is caught in your dreams, your real surroundings become part of your dream world. When something has happened and it has remained unresolved it can intrude on your sleep and become a menacing presence that you feel through shivers/vibrations and compression. Or your home is haunted.

  4. This sounds like sleep paralysis. Check out the Wikipedia link in my sources.

  5. OMG! that had happened to me before. this is nothing to be scared about. this is a sign that you are about to sleep. when that happens to me i would eventually fall asleep.

  6. omg im so sorry but its really something that you can fix YOU. i think it is something bout physical thoughts or the way you feel i donno, a smilar thing happened to me but yeah dont worry itlll go away. =]

  7. It's called sleep paralysis. Go to:

    and read about it.

  8. Maybe you are having an out-of-body experience. I had a friend once who swore it happened to him.

  9. You probably have a third eye to communication with some spirit

    Third Eye doesn't mean you can see a ghost in front of you, some hear voices, some can feel, some can be possessed, some get a chance to talk to them and see them.

    If that happens to you again, PRAYER is the best thing to do...

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