
The weirdest thing just happened,I saw a pigeon in the middle of the street,...?

by  |  earlier

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it was injured had a hurt wing and broken leg from what I could see,He wouldn't move. I thought maybe He would get hit by a car. A man was walking His dog and I asked Him if,animal control would take it, He said probably not. I went home,in my yard for awhile. I went back out to check and see it,and it was gone! No sign of Him anywhere. Where could it have gone?




  1. the old man definitely ate it

  2. He may not have been as injured as he appeared and either flew off, or hobbled off out of view (under a bush or something).

    Another passer-by may have stopped and picked him up to take him to the vet / rehabber.

    Another animal (dog, cat, some other preditor) may have come along and taken advantage of a free meal.

  3. Could have been a hawk, they love em.

  4. the old man's dog had a guilty look on him.. i'd ask the old man.

  5. people would be surprise how offten birds play esp pigeons. i had a few and they played weird games lol. even played dead. pigeons are real street smart an clean animals. if it wasnt for them we would have alot of left over food on streets and sidewalks. maybe the man called it in. unfortunately another animal could have grabbed it or maybe it was toying with you lol

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