
The wheels came off the chariot...again..?

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Oh, no, dear me, how sad...(he, he, he,).

Where are all those wallys who predicted an English walkover???Eating your words now aren't you?




  1. love ittttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Yes, I'm still eating my words, choking on them in fact.

    And to make matters worse, I'm working in Cardiff on Monday.

    My God am I going to be in for some flak!!

    Has to be said though - England threw it away with an air of complacency which the Welsh punished them for.

    Well played Wales.

  3. Chariots were most appropriate.

    The English tactics and standard of play were so out of date that I expected them to put on the lions and gladiators in the second half.

    Oh, sorry, that's where they will throw Ashton - to the lions

  4. Didn't watch the first half then?  Wales were totally outclassed.  You didn't win it, England lost it.

    Well done on a sublime victory Wales.  <sn1gger>


    Sore loser?  Thats almost as bad as having no grace in victory!

    Not really a sore loser though, because you have to actually give a d**n to be sore about it.  These warmup matches are good for showing weaknesses in preparation for the games that count.  I'm all for the England team letting one slip at the hands of minnows if it means standing toe to toe with South Africa say, in a final somewhere.

  5. Ddraig tan am byth!(Hope I've got that right).

  6. Kia Ora Bros. Of course the poms are going to get all the pies, their mouths never shut.

    They got their ars*s handed to them at the Wellington sevens as well bro.

  7. England is suffering tonight from a shortage of HUMBLE PIE!!!!!!!!

    Oh and Chariot swingers are currently a Endangered species !!!!!!!!!

  8. running scared my love running scared!

  9. They  certainly did...........Hook and Phillips are wheeling them around Twickers as we speak!

    Looking for the owners............

  10. England, did better than the jubilant Taffy morons seem to appreciate. Totally out muscled the village idiots in the first half.

    Two tries in four minutes is bollocks.

    Ashton has been found out once again. He must go. Why go to the lengths of drafting Vainakolo, and then play the sucker for 12 minutes. Hello! Start the MF and make a point of putting him in space.

  11. wales played a blinding second half, we didn't deserve to win after that.

    Not a good game at all.

  12. They're walking around with splinters up their backsides from all those chariots stuck up there!

  13. I watched with my mate (supports England) I'm so sad for him

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