
The white part in my eye around my pupil looks weird..?

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The white in my eye, seems to have a stange brown colour around my pupil and i have red veins showing, is that weird or is just from tiredness or something like that??

In my right eye, there seems to be a small red smudge right underneath my pupil.

My eyes dont hurt or anything, but they do look strange... what do think it is and what can i do to keep them looking normal???

Thank You





  1. Hmm... My guess is that the vein burst, ending up with a small red smudge underneath your pupil. It may not hurt as i did have a friend who have the same problem, just having a bigger spot and its caused by his anger =\ But just to be safe, you better go see a eye specialist

  2. It could be allergies, try some allergy eye drops

  3. Your eyes are extremely important. If this persists more than a few days, see an eye doctor pronto.

  4. Put down the bong.  = )

  5. Go buy some Visine. Your eyes are probably just a little dry and if you've been rubbing at them it'll make the redness worse. You may have accidentally also cut your eye or irritated it in some way. My grandfather was reading the paper and papercut his eye, not knowing it until we were like "WTF is up with your eye?" XD. It'll heal, as long as it doesn't hurt you shouldn't have a problem. The veins/arteries could also be from stress or tiredness.

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