
The whole "Go Green" thing is irritating me SO BAD!!!!?

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I care for the Earth enough to relize this whole going green thing is a total scam. Companies are trying to get us to buy their product because their company is "heloing the environment". People go waste time,money, and gas to go out and buy it. They want us to think we are helping, but we are really doing nothing. They are using up our LAST BIT of Fossil Fuels to make thousands of their stupid product (a bit of an exageration, but you catch my drift). Its sooo annoying to me. I want to acually HELP the environment, not buy a product from some place that "claims" to help save the world. If they were really helping, they go to the Polar Ice Caps and save some animals, but what ar they doing? Advertising. And once the media's attention on the world dies down, its going to get worse and a lot of people will forget about the environment!! Are you getting annoyed by this too? Its really bugging me.




  1. Of course the companies want to make money, but so what? It is keeping people employed! And as far as your comment about "we are really doing nothing," that is simply not true! If every person in this country bought one energy saving product  instead of the regular product, it would have a measurable impact!

  2. I definantly agree with you, companies put that the word green on their products and except people to buy. We need to put some research into the products were buying it's not all black and white, good and bad.

  3. Yeah I am too. You go girl! lol

  4. everything in life is about two things-- money and s*x.  if a company can scam people into buying a product because of a slogan, they will.  read between the lines when you buy

  5. First of all I'm not 'catching your drift'. What is THAT about?

    And second of all YOU'RE annoying ME.

         You don't need to buy anything to help the world and the environment. You just need to do simple everyday things. Like turning off lights, using less water, picking up trash, recycling, and walking more than driving.

    Who the heck ever said anything about buying stuff as a way of helping. You could be a freak'in hobo and still contribute to saving the environment. And what products are YOU talking about????

    Ya know, maybe you should get your facts right.

  6. Well it sounds like you're talking about 'greenwashing', which is certainly a valid complaint.

    But of course there are some purchases which really do help the environment.  For example, CFLs and hybrids (and I mean real hybrids like the Prius, not the massive SUVs that are slightly better than non-hybrid SUVs but still get 20 mpg - that's greenwashing).  So it's just a matter of filtering out what's really beneficial for the environment and what's just a company trying to make a buck off pretending to be green.

  7. It doesn't matter WHY the companies are trying to "go green"... just that they do. As long as it's making a real impact.

  8. Yea thats actually not necessarily true. Our environment is getting worse an worse as we speak, and people like you continue to ruin it for the rest of us. You are really beginning to irritate me SO BAD!!! So please stop knocking people for wanting to help the environment. Leo went green, so did Rob and Big. When it comes down to  it, go green or go home. Please. Ah thank you. Good day.

  9. Its called awareness not brainwashing or green-washing as you call it. This is the problem w/ ppl! You wreck things and then want to ignore it. The world didn't wreck itself, it was humans and for the moment being its going to have to be humans to do something about it. Get over yourself! If you don't like what you see ignore it like you do already w/ problems.

  10. we don't know if we are sving the envoirment

  11. I agree with you 100%. There's too much corporate profiteering around the "green movement". All the major energy companies are trying to sell us their "green credentials" when actually they're desperately exploring for, pumping and refining fossil fuels to keep their profit margins high. The only "green" energy companies are the ones solely devoted to renewables and they are few and far between when compared to the majors.

  12. Awareness is key but you have to also know what you are doing.

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