
The wire got diconnected from the in jack from my guitar and it looks like it waz welded on how you fix that!!

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The wire got diconnected from the in jack from my guitar and it looks like it waz welded on how you fix that!!




  1. It was soldered on.  If you don't know someone with a soldering iron, try any electronic repair store.  It will take just a second, they shouldn't charge that much.

  2. The wire was most likely soldered to the jack terminal.. not welded, hehehe...

    And you fix it by reattaching it with new solder.  (pronounced 'sodder')

    You can purchase a soldering gun at most stores these days, WalMart, Target, any hardware store, and most building supply stores.

    Some come with a little bit of soldering wire with them as a 'starter kit'.

    If you dont want to buy a soldering gun, you can get 'low temp' solder from electronic supply stores, like Radio Shack, and a few hardware stores.  This stuff is in little strips, looks a lot like foil, and after you wrap it around your connection, you can melt it with a match, or lighter.

    Soldering guns come in a couple of styles, pistol grip, and straight.  They both work the same, its a matter of which you are more comfortable holding.  Most are electric, but you can find some solder torches, that run on butane.

    Have Fun

  3. Go to radio shack and ask. They should be able to set you up with a soldering tool and supplies and instructions. For a one shot deal and not a critical part it should be relatively cheap.

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