
The woman next door has all her windows wide open even on cold?

by  |  earlier

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days and she is a nosey cow it makes me nervous what on earth is she so nosey for if she hears someone talking outside she opens them even more. what is up why so nosey




  1. It may not be because of you. It could be that she needs neighborhood attention.

  2. she is probably lonely...People who are lonely and have nothing to do or are housebound perhaps... or elderly and have few friends it's their only hobby to see what is going on outside.. if they cannot go out there.. all they got is the view from the window.  I feel more sorry for people like that.. they don't have a life.. maybe she's really just lonely..  only if you know her personally can you judge why she does that..

    I think a lot of people are lonely.. and it's sad if window watching is all to give them some interest in life..


  3. when she does it again  make somthing up. and see what happens

  4. Some people just have really pathetic lives and nothing better to do than spy on their neighbors.  You're going to have to learn to ignore it or you could try shaming her into stopping it by making it really obvious that you know she's spying on you.  Wave and say hi whenever you walk outside and you know she's at the windows watching you.  It may or may not work.  Sometimes people like that have no shame.

    Just make sure anything you want kept away from her prying eyes, you do indoors so she can't hear it.

    Everyone has at least one neighbor like this.  You just seem to have a really obnoxious one.

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