
The womans husband dosn;t touch her or talk to her., no s*x, is it ok for us to get together?

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The womans husband dosn;t touch her or talk to her., no s*x, is it ok for us to get together?




  1. Uh................No. If she is telling you this, how do you know it's true? If she is unhappy in this "sexless" marriage, she needs to get out of it. If she wants to stay, she is playing you. Find someone unattached.

  2. no matter how hilarious and S****y their relationship is their still legally married, so unless you want to assist her in committing adultery then I'd say no.

  3. That's what she says,if she is capable to cheat then she sure is capable of lying,your banging her and this poor sap is probably at home with the kids thinking everything is fine,that's probably closer to the truth than when she tells you that she hasn't had s*x in years,your with a person that lies,thats alright though because your one too,you two deserve each other

  4. No, she is still married. If she has had enough and gets divorced, then you can move in for her, but not before.

  5. Get down on it! Fair game.

  6. Please do

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  7. Not until he officially files for divorce and shows you the complaint written by his lawyer and notarized.

  8. Ha ha LOL your not to bright, You do not know what really happens behind closed doors, She could be banging him left and right and giving you a line of bull, If they was really that bad why would they still be together. Open your eyes, she wants you as a side piece.

  9. Only if you call and get permission from the husband.  Joking, that woman shouldn't be sharing her and her husband's s*x life details with another man.  She is wrong and you are too, for even considering s*x with a married woman.  If you love each other you should both be free so you can romp in the hay all you want.  

  10. NO! u should be ashamed!

    they are still married!!!!

    d**n homewrecker


  11. let her get a divorce then you can get together.  For one thing, how do you know she is telling the truth  about the no s*x?


  13. Hey, I think that you should tell her to get her marriage worked out or divorce him if she is so unhappy.  He will blame her once she begins an affair with you as if it's all her fault.  His negligence is causing a problem only with sexual intercourse and lack of communication, due to the fact that he is not talking about giving her any s*x I guess.  She needs to initiate the conversation with her husband to work things out in that department.  Your help is not needed, she needs to confront her husband and not talk to you.  Go find some other damsel in distress over a sexless marriage that is ready and willing to divorce first.  It's not your place to fix things in that area or replace what she is lacking.  Her communication skills with him are apparently not in order either because she has this little birdie (Mike) telling her he will be there for her.  Back off and see what happens.

  14. Um, no.

  15. no.

  16. Yea its ok.

    Why should she have to give up on having a s*x life just cause her husband doesn't want it anymore.

  17. If I were you, I would listen to Dre' B...sounds like really good advice to me.

    No matter what, they are married and that means you need to keep it in your pants untill the divorce is final, PERIOD.

  18. Ask her husband and get back to us!

  19. Those are two of the most common lines used by married men/women to get naive people into bed.  Unless you know that as a fact straight from the husband/wife's mouth, it's a total lie.  Even if true, why would you want to get involved in a going nowhere relationship? Most likely, she is totally lying to you.  Why you aren't insulted that she thinks you're stupid and amoral enough to fall into bed with her, is anyone's guess.  Tell her to take a hike.

  20. no she is still legally married

  21. Absolutely NOT

  22. well my wife doe not touch me or talk to me and no s*x,,,im gona say no also

  23. I guess it depends on your morals and values.  It is still infidelity.

  24. That depends.  Do you believe in: adultery, infidelity, not remaining faithful and that she won't do the same to you?

  25. No, but that will not stop you, and when he finds out it will not keep him from thinking that it is everyone else's fault.

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